Loco, Sik-K, pH-1, Coogie and others from Korea gather at “Hooked on Hip Hop in YOKOHAMA”

The hip-hop festival “Hooked on Hip Hop in YOKOHAMA” will be held at BUNTAI in Yokohama, Kanagawa on Friday, August 30th.

With the 60th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and Korea approaching in 2025, this performance will be a special event where Korean and Japanese hip-hop artists will come together. In addition to the appearances of Loco, Sik-K, pH-1, and Coogie, who are leading the Korean hip-hop scene, butler TANAKA, who has gained support for his unique character, will appear as an MC to further liven up the live performance.

Other representative Japanese artists are also scheduled to perform. It looks like it will be a day to deepen friendship and exchange through music and culture by artists representing the music of Tokyo and Seoul.

For details about the performance and tickets, please check the event’s official website.

【event information】

“Hooked on Hip Hop in YOKOHAMA”
Date and time: Friday, August 30, 2024 OPEN 16:30 / START 17:30
Venue: Kanagawa, Yokohama BUNTAI

…and more!

Organizer: KURE4 Co., Ltd. / JEFFI COMPANY
Planning: KURE4 Co., Ltd. / HUB JAPAN Co., Ltd.
Produced by: Xline Co., Ltd.
Operated by: Sogo Tokyo
Cooperation: Decorations Co., Ltd.

Ticket and performance inquiries:SOGO TOKYO 03-3405-9999 (Monday to Saturday 12:00~13:00 / 16:00~19:00) *Excluding Sundays and public holidays

Hooked on Hip Hop in YOKOHAMA Official Site

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