Snow Man’s Watanabe Shota appears in Shonan Beauty Clinic’s new TV commercial! “Oh no, am I trying to look too cool? (lol)”

■ “I hope I can be someone who can help boost the men’s beauty boom even a little bit.” (Snow Man Watanabe Shota)

SBC Shonan Beauty Clinic’s new TV commercial “The era of choosing cosmetic medical treatment” (30 seconds), starring Snow Man’s Watanabe Shota, will begin airing in the Kanto region from August 3rd.

Watanabe will be the commercial character for SBC Shonan Beauty Clinic from 2023. Following on from his previous commercial, which attracted a lot of attention with his first solo appearance, the new TV commercial also promotes the familiarity of cosmetic medical care for men and the SBC Shonan Beauty Clinic.

The video combines fashionable footage using bold camerawork with interview-style footage, highlighting the overwhelming beauty of Watanabe’s skin, which is unique to her, as she actually maintains her beautiful skin through cosmetic surgery.

■ Shota Watanabe speaks with determination as a man interested in cosmetic medical treatment
In the interview scene on the rooftop of a building, Watanabe looked a little embarrassed, but he spoke to the camera in his raw voice about the feelings he has in his heart, such as that it’s okay for men to be open about their interest in cosmetic medicine, and that having beautiful skin gives you confidence. At the end of his passionate words, he smiled and said, “Oh, was I trying too hard? (laughs),” but his expression was filled with a sense of fulfillment at having been able to speak so clearly.

After getting ready in front of the camera, Watanabe showed off a variety of poses, including standing and lying down, showing off her smooth, beautiful skin. She followed the camera’s movements, which mixed smooth and dynamic action, and checked the footage after each take, checking her own style and expression. Whenever she found a little free time, Watanabe repeatedly did exercises to pump up her muscles. In addition to the superficial beauty of her skin, she also showed off the beauty of her physique.

Watanabe appeared in the studio wearing a tank top that boldly exposed his shoulders and arms, and after discussing the shooting procedures with the director, he started warming up, including stretching. Watanabe carefully brought his elbows together in front of his face, and when the cameraman asked him, “What are you doing?” he replied with a smile, “I’m expanding my muscles.” When Watanabe released his pose, his muscles had expanded, especially in his chest, shoulders and upper arms, and the surrounding staff exclaimed in amazement at his magnificently pumped-up body, saying, “Amazing!”

■ Interview with Shota Watanabe
Q. Please tell us how you feel now that you have finished filming the new TV commercial, which is your second appearance.
I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to appear in my second (TV commercial). This time, the situation was completely different, with fashionable shooting and many scenes showing various parts of my body, such as my arms, in addition to my face, so there were times when I felt like I had to be more beautiful (laughs). There was also an interview-style shoot. I hope that this interview-style shoot will help people feel closer to injections and lasers used in cosmetic medicine. I hope that watching this TV commercial will encourage everyone to visit Shonan Beauty Clinic.

Q. When you appeared in the TV commercial for your first film, did you receive any feedback from people around you?
When the first TV commercial aired, it inspired my friends to start going to Shonan Beauty Clinic for hair removal treatments…and I also started getting approached by more men!

Q. What do you think about the “Shoppy Effect,” in which you appear in a TV commercial for Shonan Beauty Clinic, which is helping to raise men’s awareness of cosmetic medical treatment?
I feel like men are becoming more and more aware of beauty. I’ve heard that the number of men visiting Shonan Beauty Clinic is increasing, and I feel like I’ve seen more and more men not only at clinics, but also at beauty-related places like department stores. I’m happy to be appearing in Shonan Beauty Clinic’s TV commercial, and I hope I can be a presence that can help support the men’s beauty boom, even if just a little.

Q. Please give a message to viewers who will watch the new TV commercial.
I’m Shota Watanabe, and this is my second time appearing in a Shonan Beauty Clinic commercial. I hope that this commercial will encourage more men to become interested in cosmetic medicine, deepen my own understanding so that they can work harder to improve themselves, and convey the benefits of cosmetic medicine to all men, so I hope you will enjoy it.

SBC Shonan Beauty Clinic Official Website


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