Asako Toki, Shota Takagi, Daiki Matsuura and others participate in the TENDER-organized SP session

On Monday, August 12th, which is a substitute holiday for Mountain Day, radio station J-WAVE (81.3FM) will broadcast a nine-hour special program to foster a “sense of wonder, or love for nature,” titled “J-WAVE HOLIDAY SPECIAL MEISUI presents A DROP INTO THE FUTURE 2024” (9:00-17:55).

This special program, which has aired on Mountain Day since 2019, offers hints on how to rediscover the natural blessings we receive from “mountains” and “water” and pass them on to the future. Based on the annual theme of “coexistence and harmony between nature and humans,” this time navigators Arisa Urahama and TENDER will experience “mountain climbing.” In addition to reporting on the dialogue with “nature” they discovered through their mountain climbing experience, they will also listen to the rhythms and melodies of the natural world and design a memorable day for the summer of 2024 with good music.

In addition, a one-off session band will be formed by TENDRE. A session live with Shota Takagi (BREIMEN) and Daiki Matsuura (saccharin / She Her Her Hers) will be aired at 1pm, and a studio live with Asako Toki will be aired at 4pm.

L → R: Asako Toki, Shota Takagi, Daiki Matsuura

In addition, a keyboard will be set up in the studio, and TENDRE will sing and play the guitar throughout the show while introducing the message. One of TENDRE’s charms is his updated arrangements of children’s songs and folk songs, and we look forward to his singing of “famous songs related to the mountains.”

The show also welcomes guests from various other fields and talks about the “blessings of the mountains.” In addition, listeners are invited to share stories about their “memories of the mountains” and “connections with the mountains.” Five people who send messages will be chosen at random to win a set of “Meisui soda maker and 10 carbonation cartridges” and “a two-color set of original tumblers from the show,” so be sure to check it out.

Message Application Form

[Program details]

Broadcast date and time: Monday, August 12, 2024, 9:00-17:55
Navigators: Arisa Urahama, TENDRE

Program details

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