Takumi Kitamura splits into three people!? Gatsby’s new web commercial “It’s hard, but it’s easy to wear” and interview released

■Kitamura Takumi plays three different roles! Keep an eye out for the series of unexpected developments

The new web commercial for “Gatsby Metal Rubber Air Drive” featuring Takumi Kitamura, “Hard, yet light and comfortable,” was released on Gatsby’s official YouTube channel on August 26th.

In this web commercial, Takumi Kitamura, who has continued to achieve remarkable success as an actor and artist, plays three different roles to demonstrate the features of the new product, which reduces the minor stress that can often be associated with typical hard wax.

In a setting reminiscent of a foreign beauty salon, a young man is struggling to get his hair done when three different Kitamuras appear one after the other. As they approach the young man, they recite “hard wax commonalities” that any experienced hairstylist would nod in agreement with, and all three say suggestively, “No, no, no…”. Then, a mysterious girl appears holding an Air Drive, accompanied by a narrator who says, “It’s hard, but it goes on lightly.” The series keeps viewers hooked with a series of unexpected developments.

■Interview with Takumi Kitamura
Q. What did you think about styling your hair with the new product “Air Drive”?
I changed my hairstyle several times during the shoot, but my hair didn’t feel heavy at all. I think this is an item that will help you achieve a hairstyle that you think is cool, whether you want to look tough or not.

Q. This wax has a surprising gap between being “hard, yet light and easy to blend in.” Is there any part of it that you feel is different about you personally?
People often say to me, “You’re mysterious, but once you get used to it, you talk a lot.” At first, I don’t give off a very talkative vibe, but actually, I really want to talk to people, so I’ll say to the people I’ve worked with, “I saw that interview, and I thought this too…” I think some people will find that quite unpleasant (laughs).

Q. Have you had a moment recently where you felt “stress-free”?
In the past, I would try to do anything to relieve stress, but I realized that it actually stressed me out, so now I try to spend my time as I please. If there’s something I want to do, I do it, and if I don’t feel like doing anything, I don’t do anything. By letting myself go with the flow, I feel like I don’t feel as stressed anymore.

Q. Please give some encouragement to all the guys out there who are constantly trying to look cool.
From my own experience, I think it’s important not to just aspire to be like that. Start by admiring and imitating something, and as you continue doing that, the moment when it becomes more like you will surely come. I think it only becomes a part of you when it goes from admiration to something you truly like, so I think it’s good to cherish that.

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