The final episode of the comedy show “To a Perfect Future” starring Kaito Matsukura (Travis Japan) has aired! The ending was also improvised!?

■Kaito Matsukura plays the son from the future who calls his mother and persuades her to use her sex appeal to seduce his father in order to change his fate!

The final episode of TV Asahi’s Barabara Monthly August Kampe Theater’s “Towards a Perfect Future” was broadcast on August 27th.

The cast of this production includes Hasegawa Shinobu (Sisonne), Matsukura Kaito (Travis Japan), and Kumada Yoko, with Yamazoe Hiroshi (Aiseki Start) and Kunizaki Kazuya (Ranjatai) appearing in the role of “dialogue assistant.”

As the sci-fi drama progresses, there are scenes where the dialogue was not completed by the shooting date, and this is a unique scene in which Yamazoe and Kunizaki write the lines on cue cards on the spot to control the actors.

■Kumada Yoko tries every trick in the book to woo Sisonne’s Hasegawa!
In the final episode, the son from the future, played by Kaito Matsukura, interferes with the love between his father, played by Hasegawa, and his mother, played by Yoko Kumada, and his body begins to disappear. In order to change his fate, the son calls his mother and persuades her to use her charms to woo his father.

Then, based on advice from their son, such as “He said he liked intelligent women,” and “He said he liked kind women,” Yamazoe and Kunizaki decide on the lines using cue cards.

■There are two different scripts for the final episode. A new system where the ending changes depending on the cue card!      
In the final episode, not only was the dialogue determined from previous cue cards, but the story also had two possible endings: a happy ending and a bad ending.

Based on the content of the scene where Kumada wooed Hasegawa, Hasegawa decided on the spot which of the two paths he would take. Depending on the cue cards from Yamazoe and Kunizaki, the success or failure of the confession would change, and the ending of the story would also change. Was the story able to have a happy ending?

All episodes of Kampe Theater’s “Towards a Perfect Future” are available to watch on TVer and ABEMA.

■Comment from Shinobu Hasegawa of Sisonne
Yoko Kumada is completely broken. I don’t remember much. The last hit was really strong… I thought the cartilage in her ear broke.

■ Comment from Yoko Kumada
The script had a theme of seducing others, so I imagined a different pattern, but when the cue card was different, I thought, “That’s the direction!” and there was a big gap (laughs).

■Comment from Hiroshi Yamazoe of Aiseki Start
We, the two scriptwriters, asked Yoko Kumada to perform a high-level performance. We asked her to deliver lines that could not be put into words. I was glad that she faithfully delivered those lines.

Comment from Ranjatai Kunizaki
I think Kumada-san herself came here intending to seduce me, but things went in a different direction than she had hoped for… When I get home today, I think I’ll take a hot bath.

Streaming URL※TVer※ABEMA

“Towards a Perfect Future” program site

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