[Report]Hey! Say! JUMP’s Yuya Takaki reveals behind-the-scenes stories from filming at special screening event for the drama “Fear”

■ “This time we didn’t shoot in order. We started filming from the 10th episode (the final episode), so to be honest I’d like to shoot it again (laughs)” (Hey!Say!JUMP Takaki Yuya)

A special screening event for the drama “Kaware,” starring Riko and featuring Hey! Say! JUMP’s Takaki Yuya (the official spelling of “Taka” is with a はしごだか), which airs every Thursday from 12:58am on CBC TV, was held at Aeon Cinema Wonder on August 24th.

At this event, in addition to the already aired episodes 1 and 2, a special version including the just-completed episodes 3 and 4 was screened in two parts, earlier than anywhere else. This report covers the event, where Riko, who plays the main character Mayu Mizoguchi, and Yuya Takaki, who plays the mysterious, aggressive streamer Yamakazu, rushed to greet the audience on stage.

The stage greetings were held twice, once after the first screening and once before the second screening. First, here is a detailed report on the stage greetings after the screening.

The MC was Nagaoka Ayumu, an announcer from CBC TV. After warming up the audience by explaining the outline of the drama, the long-awaited cast speech finally came. Riko and Takagi made a surprise appearance from the back of the audience. The fans’ cheers of surprise and joy never stopped.

Riko, who appeared on stage, had a charming, warm smile. Meanwhile, Takagi also showed a playful side, saying, “I brought the melon soda I was drinking with me.” By the way, this is the first time in two years that Takagi has appeared in a terrestrial TV drama. Recently, he has been active mainly in stage productions, but after reading the script for “Fear,” he said, “I was attracted by the content, which vividly expresses the rawness of human beings, and decided to take on the challenge this time.”

Riko praised Takagi, saying, “Even from the reading stage, she was so natural and perfect, I thought she was amazing.”

When asked about the most memorable scene she shot, Riko replied, “The scene in the first episode where I get killed was really difficult. Also, the character’s consciousness remained the same, but I was constantly playing different characters, so I was confused and had a hard time understanding things at first.”

“In episode 3, there was a line that we had to add to a scene that wasn’t planned for that day, so I was a bit confused. Also, this time we didn’t shoot in order, we started filming from episode 10 (the final episode), so to be honest I would like to do it again (laughs),” said Takagi, and the group shared many behind-the-scenes stories.

Finally, the two talked about what to look forward to in the future.

“The dots keep connecting and the more you watch the more you want to know what happens next, so I hope you’ll look forward to it. Also, if you keep in mind who the person I’m playing is, I think you’ll enjoy the story even more.” (Riko)

“The show airs in the middle of the night, and there are a few chilling scenes, so if you find it scary, I recommend watching it on TVer or FOD in the daytime. I hope you enjoy it while wondering who will become who. Also, I think the drama itself is very thought-provoking and interesting, but the ending song (Hey! Say! JUMP’s “NEAD”※1) is also really cool, so I hope you enjoy the song along with the main story.” (Takagi)

The stage greeting ended in a friendly atmosphere with Takagi making everyone laugh throughout. We are looking forward to seeing how the drama develops in the future.

In the second part, a stage greeting was held before the screening. Unlike the previous one, they talked about the behind-the-scenes stories of the drama’s production so as not to give away any spoilers, and also held a sudden Q&A session with the audience.

When asked about the highlights of the drama and how they prepared for their roles, the two said, “This time, I have a unique role in which my name and personality change. At first, I was worried about how to act, but the director told me that the default should be the same, so I felt a lot more at ease. However, Yamakazu, the aggressive streamer played by Takagi-san, is always excited, so it was a little difficult to keep from getting carried away by that tempo.” In response to Riko’s comment, Takagi replied, “I’m actually pretty cool though.” Nagaoka added, “We were in the same dressing room, but we were always talking.” The friendly atmosphere drew laughter from the audience.

Then, the script was quickly changed and a Q&A session with the audience began. Anyone who wanted to ask a question to the pair was asked to raise their hand, and one of them would nominate someone to ask. At this point, Takagi suggested, “In keeping with the title of the drama, let’s ask for some fearless questions.” As various questions were asked, there was even a scene where the microphone was handed directly to the audience, and the Q&A corner ended with great excitement.

This time, not only could visitors enjoy never-before-seen footage from the drama “Fear,” but they also got a glimpse of the two actors’ true faces and got to interact with them up close, making this an event full of rare scenes that can only be experienced here.

The drama “Fear” will be broadcast on CBC TV, and will be available for free on TVer from 12:00 the day after the broadcast. It will also be available on FOD after the broadcast.

*1 The font for the “a” in “Hey! Say! JUMP” is officially Century Gothic.

Program Information

CBC Television“Fear”
08/29 (Thu) 24:58-25:30 *Episode 3
Number of episodes: 10
Streaming: Available on TVer from noon the day after broadcast
Original work: “Fear -Reiwa Kaidan-” by Kawakami Juoku (Cycomi/Cygames)
Cast: Riko, Hideyuki Kasahara, Kasumi Yamatani, Taichi Kodama, Yusuke Sato (lol), Kanon Narumi, Yuya Takaki, and others
Directed by: Takumi Koyama and Kenji Kuwashima
Opening song: “disbelief” by Haku
Ending song: “NERD” by Hey! Say! JUMP
(C) “Fear” Production Committee

Drama “Fear” program site


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