Ryuya Shimejikake, Hirona Yamazaki, Hajime Yoshihisa and Nagisa Saito to appear in the drama “The Reason We Fall in Love” starring Fuma Kikuchi

■ “I’m very excited to be appearing in a TV drama series for the first time in 11 years.” (Ryuya Shishigosan)

The visuals and new cast of TV Asahi’s Oshidora Saturday drama “The Reason We Fall in Love,” which will begin airing on October 12th, have been released.

This work is a drama adaptation of the popular comic “The Reason We Fall in Love” (serialized in Shucream’s “OUR FEEL”) by ma2, which won the grand prize in the adult romance category at the 2nd Everyone’s Favorite Romance Manga Awards and has exceeded 30 million views on online bookstores. Starring Kikuchi Fuma (timelesz) and heroine Kumagaya Rinka.

Set in an office, the story depicts the frustrating yet sweet “pure adult love” that unfolds between six men and women, including Kikuchi and Kumada.

■Ryuya Shishido appears in a terrestrial television drama series for the first time in 11 years, and Hirona Yamazaki takes on a love story with a younger man for the first time!
Ryuya Shishido, a member of Travis Japan, will play Sakamoto Ryo, a junior colleague at the company where the protagonist, Tomoya Kurosawa (Fuma Kikuchi), works and a colleague of the heroine, Aoi Morita (Rinka Kumagaya).

The character Sakamoto plays in this film is a man who is serious about his work and has a kind personality, but is not seen as a romantic interest and has not had much luck with love. However, he actually has a crush on Ichikawa Ayaka, a senior colleague from another department.

In fact, this is Shichigosankake’s first time appearing in a terrestrial TV drama series in 11 years. His enthusiasm is also apparent in his hairstyle, where he has changed his image to black hair with bangs to match the character in the original work. On social media, he has already been getting a lot of attention, with comments such as “Black hair suits him so well” and “Is he appearing in a drama? Is he playing an office worker?”

Shichigosankake is fully prepared both physically and mentally to take on the challenge, but his senior at the agency, Kikuchi, has some concerns: “He gives off a cute vibe, doesn’t he? The role he’s playing this time is also rather cute…” he says, declaring, “If things stay this way, he’ll become the cute idol on set, so I want to put a stop to that!”

Nevertheless, he expressed his expectations for co-starring with Shichigosankake, saying, “It’s been about 12 or 13 years since we last worked together like this, so I’m really looking forward to seeing what it will be like.”

The role of Ichikawa Ayaka, the love interest of Shichigosankake, will be played by Yamazaki Hirona, who made her Hollywood debut in the 2020 film “Monster Hunter,” and has appeared in the TV drama “Maiagare!” and the drama “Your Company’s Disturbance Correction!” (2024), among other works that show her dignified charm. This is the first time she will play a role in which she falls in love with someone younger than her.

Ayaka is a reliable, big sister type at work and is loved by her juniors, but in private she is unable to speak her true feelings and pretends to be strong, and before you know it, she is bad at love and only has convenient relationships. It will be interesting to see what kind of changes Sakamoto’s presence will bring to Ayaka.

■Saito Nagisa cuts her hair shortest in her life and takes on her first adult love story, and Yoshihisa Hajime takes on the role after getting in shape!
The role of Ozu Kyo, a colleague of Aoi and Sakamoto, will be played by Saito Nagisa, who will be active in =LOVE until 2023, and is showing great strides as an actress, appearing in three films in 2024: Love Oshi wo Shiranai Bokura wa, Atashi no!, and the December release of Oshi no Ko.

The film vividly portrays Kyo, who is crazy about large, muscular men and is headstrong when it comes to the things she likes.

Saito, who will be playing her first adult role and her first adult love story in this film, is full of enthusiasm, saying, “I want to do my best to find a new me.” To get closer to the character in the original work, she cut her hair to the shortest it’s ever been, and is ready to take on the role as an actress.

And the role of Oshima Kei, the ideal man that Kyo, played by Saito, finds within the company, is played by actor Yoshihisa Hajime, who has an unusual background as a former rugby player.

Since turning to acting, he has made full use of his impressive physique and made his presence known in popular productions, such as playing a soldier in the “Kingdom” film series and the sumo prince in the streaming drama “Sanctuary.”

In this film, Yoshihisa plays Oshima, who has a muscular physique now, but has a complex about his former chubby figure and lacks self-confidence. This is actually his first romance drama, and he has trained his body even more for this film, and his arm circumference has increased by 2 centimeters.

Like the other cast members, Saito and Yoshihisa are approaching their roles with respect for the original characters, and their appearances are just like the small Kyo and large Oshima depicted in the original. The role-playing was fully demonstrated in the visual shoot, with the muscular Yoshihisa carrying Saito on his back, Saito hanging from Yoshihisa’s arm, and even a princess carry.

Saito himself also sent a message saying, “I hope you will be excited by the difference in our physiques.” Expectations are high for the passionate performances of the two actors who will portray the love story between two people with different physiques through their serious role preparations.

■ Comment from Ryuya Shichigosankake (role of Ryo Sakamoto)
I’m very excited to be appearing in a terrestrial TV drama series for the first time in 11 years. As soon as I heard about it, I read the original story, and it’s a story about three couples who have very pure love, so I felt like I wanted to do my best since I’m appearing in it. For this production, I cut my long, bright hair and dyed it darker, so I think I’ll be able to show a new side of myself! My group members also told me, “You look better!” and “It suits you,” so I was really happy.
This time, the character I’m playing, Sakamoto, has a very straightforward personality, and that’s why he tends to run around aimlessly, and there are many parts of him that we can sympathize with. However, since the role is younger than my actual age, I’m working hard on my skin care to stay young!
I think this will be a drama that will make you realize how exciting falling in love can be, so please look forward to it.

■ Comment from Nagisa Saito (role of Kyo Ozu)
All the works I have appeared in so far have been school-related, and this is my first time acting in an adult love story, so I think I’ll be able to show a different side of myself. Each character in this work has their own background, such as complexes, but I thought it was wonderful to see them complement each other and grow as they fall in love, so I would like to properly portray the emotions of the character.
The character I play, Kyo-chan, is headstrong and straightforward, and shows what she likes, which I feel is very similar to me. Also, like Kyo-chan, I’m often told that I have a young-looking face, so maybe there’s no difference between me and Kyo-chan! Actually, I cut my hair the shortest I’ve ever had in my life to take on this role. I’m still not used to it, and I’m surprised when I see that I have no hair (laughs), but it feels really fresh and I like it.
It’s a very heart-warming, sweet love story, so I think many people will be able to relate to it. I will do my best to play Kyo-chan so that I can deliver a wonderful story to everyone, so please look forward to the broadcast.

Comment from Yoshihisa Hajime (role of Kei Oshima)
I had never acted in a romantic role before, and had almost given up on the idea that my physique would make me unsuited for a romantic drama, so I was very surprised when I was selected after the audition.
The character I play, Oshima Kei, is a macho character, so I want to continue working hard on muscle training so that I can fully show off my physique in the drama. As a result of working hard for this production, my arm circumference has increased by 2 cm, from about 38 cm before to 40 cm!
Oshima and I have a lot in common apart from our physiques, and the truth is, despite how I look, I’m also really bad at romance and quite timid (laughs). So I could relate to him a lot, and as I read the original work I was screaming, “Oshima!”
It’s a very interesting work, with viewers watching how the love lives of the three couples unfold and how they interact with each other. It’s packed with heart-warming characters and a heart-warming story, so please look forward to it.

■ Comment from Hirona Yamazaki (role of Ayaka Ichikawa)
This work is a new challenge for me, as I have never acted in a love story involving a romance with a younger man before.
I hope that through this drama I can convey to everyone the excitement and sense of elation I felt when reading the original work, as well as the feeling that “falling in love is a wonderful thing.”
Ayaka, the character I play, is a cool career woman at work, but she’s actually a very cute person. I think that’s one of her charms. I think that her honest side will be brought out more and more by being with Sakamoto-kun, so I want to carefully express the small changes and delicate side of her.
I hope that viewers will enjoy this drama as they experience a variety of emotions along with Ayaka, and struggle and wonder what the “reason for falling in love” is.

Program Information

TV Asahi Oshidora Saturday “The reason we fall in love”
Broadcast starts on October 12th! Every Saturday from 23:00 to 23:30

Cast: Fuma Kikuchi and Rinka Kumada
Ryuya Shichigosan, Nagisa Saito, Hajime Yoshihisa, Hirona Yamazaki

Original work: ma2 “The reason we fall in love” (serialized in Shucream’s “OUR FEEL”)
Screenplay: Yuri Yamada, Aya Watatane, Hisako Fujihira
Directed by: Hiroaki Yuasa, Shu Yoshino, Takeshi Matsuura
Executive Producer: Yumiko Miwa (TV Asahi)
Producers: Rio Zanma (TV Asahi), Kota Shimamoto (Storm Labels), Risa Hikita (The Fool)
Production cooperation: Zaful
Produced by: TV Asahi, Storm Labels

“The reason we fall in love” program site

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