Poster visual for the drama “I Want to Punch That Scum” starring Nao and Yuta Tamamori has been released! The theme is “My love hurts”

■Seven additional cast members, including Akane Hotta, have also been announced to add color to the story!

The poster visual for “I Want to Punch That Scum”, which will start on October 8th in the TBS Tuesday Drama slot, has been released. Additional cast members have also been announced.

Nao stars in this drama, an original scripted boxing love comedy about the main character Sato Hokomi (Nao) as she takes boxing seriously and loves it. After her boyfriend runs away on their wedding day, Hokomi meets a mysterious blonde man at the lowest point in her life, and after meeting him, she decides she doesn’t want to be made to cry by worthless men anymore, so she starts boxing to change herself.

The poster visual, with the catchphrase “My love hurts,” features Nao and Tamamori Yuta. It is an emotional visual that shows the relationship between Hokomi, who is aiming to become a professional boxer at the lowest point in his life, and Kairi, who toyed with Hokomi. This poster visual will be displayed in Akasaka, Tokyo, as well as Shibuya and other areas.

In addition, a number of other impressive actors have been added to the cast, including Akane Hotta as Shino, a model who is on friendly terms with Kairi.

Tamabukuro Kintaro will play the role of Takemoto Norio, a regular customer at “Snack Akemi,” while Laland’s Nishida Kouki will play the role of regular customer A and Itakura Takeshi will play the role of Matsuno Heita.

Hiro Yamamoto of Robert will play Kuramochi Kazutoshi, Hokomi’s boss who works at the city hall, and Junya Asano will play Kojima Shun, Hokomi’s junior colleague. Ameri Isomura will play Mimi Sato, the daughter of Sayami Sato, played by Yui Narumi, and Hokomi’s niece. A variety of characters will add color to the story.

It has also been decided that the film will be available for on-demand streaming on the official commercial television streaming services “TVer” and “TBS FREE,” as well as the video streaming service “U-NEXT.”

■Comment from poster designer Kazuaki Okada
The theme is “My Love Hurts.”
The setting is the room of a hopeless scumbag. It expresses a comical contrast between Hokomi (Nao)’s positive expression and Kairi (Tamamori)’s indifferent expression, who is still smoldering about his path in life. We aimed for visuals that would connect the daily lives of weekday night viewers with the drama and allow viewers to empathize.


Program Information

TBS Tuesday Drama“I want to punch that bastard.”
Starts Tuesday, October 8th Every Tuesday from 22:00 to 22:57

Produced by: TBS
Screenplay: Yoko Izumizawa and Keiko Kameno
Produced by: Kouki Tomura, Daiki Sai, Masako Miyazaki (the official spelling of “崎” is “tatsusaki”)
Directed by: Shingo Okamoto, Yasuharu Ishii, Sakura Komaki

Yuuta Tamamori

Sae Okazaki
Yuuta Koseki
Yuuki Kura
Narumi Yui
Shiori Tamai (Momoiro Clover Z)
Mizuki Hiruta

Atsuro Watanabe

Saito Yuki

“I want to punch that scum” program site

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