SixTONES’ Tanaka Juri is confused by Tenjiku Nezumi’s Kawahara Katsumi’s jokes on Nippon Television’s variety special! “How should I respond?”

■ “What kind of joke is this!?” (SixTONES Tanaka Juri)

The two-week special program “Golden Tag,” with Bananaman’s Shitara and Horan Chiaki as double MCs, will be broadcast on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV from 11:59pm on September 19th and 26th.

There have been many “golden tag” pairs in the history of television, including comedians and idols, rivals with long histories, sharp-tongued duos, and duos with an age gap. In this program, we will pair unknown duos who may shine in the world of television tomorrow, and discover new “golden tag” combinations in the entertainment industry.

Yoshimura Takashi (Heisei Nobushikobushi) and Mukai Satoshi (Panther) will take turns as golden producers each week, presenting duos and location situations that they feel have the potential to become a “golden tag team.”

Based on the content and location footage, the two MCs and studio guests will judge whether they were able to discover the “golden tag team.”

The first week’s challengers are Hasegawa Masaki (Nishikigoi) x Nagao Yuno, and Tanaka Itsuki (SixTONES) x Kawahara Katsumi (Tenjiku Nezumi). Will a golden tag team be born from this?

■ Grandfather and grandson age gap tag team:Masaki Hasegawa (Nishikigoi) x Yuno Nagao
The location shoot for Masaki Hasegawa (Nishikigoi) and Yuzuno Nagao is a summer vacation experience in the countryside. In a 250-year-old traditional house, the two experience country life, including playing in the river, making curry, and watching fireworks.

During the shoot, every time Hasegawa did a gag, Yuno gave him a very lenient rating, saying, “That’s so funny!”, “That’s great!”, and “That’s amazing!”. Hasegawa naturally got excited, too, and said enthusiastically, “Comedians should have Yuno next to them.”

Thanks to Yuno’s “I love Hasegawa filter,” the location shoot went smoothly, and there were comments from the studio such as, “Yuno-chan is starting to remember how to use Hasegawa-san,” and “Yuno-chan is so talented!” The MC, Bananaman’s Shitara, was also impressed, saying, “I might have the same style as Yuno-chan. I’ll let him make a joke and then I’ll say, ‘Wow, that’s amazing.’ I might be Yuno-chan’s type.”

Will a golden tag team with an age difference as large as that between grandfather and grandson be born?

Super idol and unique comedian team up:Tanaka Itsuki (SixTONES) x Kawahara Katsumi (Tenjiku Nezumi)
The location shoot for Tanaka Itsuki (SixTONES) and Kawahara Katsumi (Tenjiku Nezumi) is a simple street walking location shoot. The location finally begins with the two of them not meeting each other until the actual shoot.

The setting is Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, where the Tama River flows. This tag team tours the city’s attractive spots, “Tama River brand pears” and “Tama River cast net fishing.”

Immediately after the location shoot began, Kawahara started to make jokes, to which Tanaka couldn’t help but express his confusion, saying, “What kind of jokes are these?! There are a lot of them right from the start…” Tanaka was at the mercy of Kawahara, who was running wild everywhere they went. He even confessed his true feelings to his manager, saying, “You have to keep your ears open to everything,” and “How should I poke fun at him? It’s difficult in terms of quantity and quality…” Meanwhile, Kawahara also became enthusiastic about Tanaka, saying, “You should poke fun at him. This is the first time I’ve said something like this on TV. Please poke fun at me!”

Will this golden pairing of a super idol and a unique comedian be born?

Yoshimura Takashi (Heisei Nobushikobushi), who was the golden producer for the two groups, and Untouchable Shibata and Asahi Nao, who watched the challenge from the studio, sent in passionate comments immediately after the recording.

■ Comment from Takashi Yoshimura (Heisei Nobushi Kobushi)
I have a somewhat unique role as the “golden producer” of this program, so I approached it with a different perspective and sense of tension than everyone else in the studio.
We are looking for new combinations and talents that can appear in future variety shows, the entertainment industry, and in various other places. I feel like I am helping out with that, and the recording was a lot of fun.
Personally, I found it very entertaining to see how comedians struggle with how to make comments, and the changes in SixTONES’ Tanaka and Tenjiku Nezumi’s Kawahara towards the end of the show.

■ Comment from Hidetsugu Shibata (Untouchable)
It was very interesting! I think it was really fun to see the chemistry between the various talents that creates new combinations. Regardless of how the studio judges reacted to the two groups I’d never seen before, it was really fun to see all the different combinations.

■ Comment from Nao Asahi
It was really interesting to see a combination that I rarely see on TV! In the first episode, two tag teams appeared, and both of them have completely different personalities, so I think that’s the highlight. But at the end, I felt a mysterious tiredness…lol. I recommend you check it out on TV to find out why!
Personally, I was really comforted by Masaki-san and Yuzuno-chan, and the content made me want to watch it again.

Program Information

Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV“Golden Tag”
09/19 (Thu) 23:59-24:54
09/26 (Thu) 23:59-24:54
*Catch-up streaming available on TVer after broadcast

MC: Osamu Shitara (Bananaman) Chiaki Horan

[Golden Producer]
1st week: Takashi Yoshimura (Heisei Nobushi Kobushi)
2nd week: Kei Mukai (Panther)

Eiji Shibata (Untouchable) *2 weeks in a row
1st week: Nao Asahi
Week 2: Megumi Hata

Masaki Hasegawa (Nishikigoi) x Yuno Nagao
Tanaka Itsuki (SixTONES) x Kawahara Katsumi (Tenjiku Nezumi)
Yoshio Itoi x Kyoko Hamaguchi
Yoshizumi Ishihara x Anna Murashige

Program site

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