New School Leaders release new Bourbon “Fettuccine Gummy” web commercial! Freely performing on the school stage

■ “(What are your memories of club activities?) I was really keen to join the volleyball club, but in the end I joined the Leaders instead. The activities of the Leaders were my club activities.” (SUZUKA)

A special edition of the web commercial “Youth is Heart-Pounding” for Bourbon’s new product in the “Fettuccine Gummy” series, “Fettuccine Gummy Shine Muscat Flavor” (on sale September 24th), starring the New School Leaders, has been released.

■ Story
Suddenly, SUZUKA appears from the cleaning supplies closet in the classroom, shouting “What is youth?”. Then, RIN, KANON, and MIZYU appear from various places in the school, such as the music room, art room, and science room, shouting “What is youth?”, and the four of them move around the school while dancing. They feed the teachers, students, and even the human body model one after another with Fettuccine Gummy, making them “swoon”. When they reach the music room with a rotating mirror ball, at the end, not only the new school leaders but also the students who are “swooning” start dancing together, and they strike a pose in unison, shouting “Sweet and sour fruity! Bourbon Fettuccine Gummy!” The original song and dance are both powered up, appealing to the charm of “Sweet and sour fruity Fettuccine Gummy”.

New School Leaders, who have gained popularity for their powerful, sharp dance moves and overwhelming singing voices, continue to appear in this web commercial. As with the previous one, popular music producer yonkey has also produced the song for this one. The song from the previous commercial has been remixed, and the dancers perform to the original, more powerful song. Keep an eye out for the powerful four who run out of the classroom and move freely around the school, including the music room, art room, and science room, as well as their powerful dance, which was completed on set with the input of New School Leaders.

■ Filming episodes
This was the second time that Atarashii Gakkou no Leaders appeared in a commercial for “Fettuccine Gummy”. This time too, they arrived on set with bright smiles and energetic greetings, bringing energy to all the staff. As soon as the cameras started rolling, they switched to concentration mode and approached the shoot with agile movements and sharp dance moves. Their movements were unwavering for even a moment, and they showed a professional attitude.

In between takes, the members looked relaxed and were seen enjoying the new Shine Muscat flavored product. At the same time, their service-oriented attitude, always attentive to those around them, was also evident, as they proactively talked to the staff. The filming proceeded in a calm atmosphere from start to finish, due to their outstanding teamwork, which highlighted their friendship, and once again the charm of the New School Leaders was on full display.

■Youth Calling Campaign
If you purchase three or more “Fettuccine Gummy” and apply, a total of 250 people will be entered into a lottery to win an original QUO card that includes a set of the tour visuals for Atarashii Gakkou no Leaders’ “NIPPON Calling Tour 2024” and the “Fettuccine Gummy” tie-up visuals. For more details, check the campaign website.

■New School Leaders Interviews
–Please tell us your honest thoughts after finishing the web commercial shoot. Also, please tell us if there are any highlights.
SUZUKA:We had plenty of filming this time, so I think you’ll enjoy us to the fullest in our second installment of “Fettuccine Gummies.”
KANON:There’s a special dance for this time.
RIN:That’s right. I felt even more excited than last time.

–This is your second time appearing in an advertisement for Fettuccine Gummies. Did you receive any feedback following your previous appearance?
SUZUKA:Yes, it did, and we saw it!
KANON:I saw it.
MIZYU:I encountered them a lot. I was so happy.
RIN:In the big advertisements in the city, I was able to appear in the advertisements together with my fans, and they were really happy. I’m glad that we were able to collaborate together in the city.

–You all seem to be active overseas, but if you were to spread the appeal of “Fettuccine Gummy” to people overseas, what would you tell them?
SUZUKA:I want to convey the delicate sweetness and perfect texture that is so characteristic of Japan.
MIZYU:That’s right. BOUNCE BOUNCE! SOUR SOUR! Something like that.

–In the web commercial, you were seen feeding people around you “Fettuccine Gummy” and dancing on stage, showing your free-spirited side. What kind of students were you actually?
MIZYU:I felt free.
RIN:KANON especially ate sweets during breaks.
KANON:I ate a lot. I would get tired if I concentrated on studying, so I would eat sweets to make up for the calories I would have burned off. I gained a lot of weight.
RIN:I think it’s good (laughs). Youth!

–In the web commercial you are seen interacting with students in club activities. Do you have any memories from your school days, such as memories of club activities?
KANON:Did you all participate in club activities?
SUZUKA:No, I only joined provisionally. I cut my long hair short thinking, “I’m going to join the volleyball club!” I was really keen to join, but in the end I didn’t and joined the Leaders.
KANON:Same here! I joined the gymnastics club too, and it was going well, but they asked me, “If you can’t play in the games, will you quit?” So I quit.
SUZUKA:The new school’s leaders’ activities were club activities.
KANON:that’s right!
RIN:It was a place to hang out after school.

– Please give a message to our viewers.
SUZUKA:I appeared in the new web commercial for “Fettuccine Gummy”.
All:New school leaders.
RIN:Following on from last time, we took on the challenge of taking photos that would convey the appeal of the “sweet, sour, and fruity” Fettuccine Gummy.
KANON:Be sure to check out the music and dance recorded especially for this occasion!
MIZYU:Thank you very much.
All:“Fettuccine Gummy”!

New School Leaders OFFICIAL SITE

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