Encounter a chance beauty that is unique in the world. Ceramic artist Yo Nakagawa’s works are now on sale at YEN TOWN MARKET!

Pottery artist Yo Nakagawa’s works will be on sale at YEN TOWN MARKET from September 27th.

YEN TOWN MARKET aims to be a shop that disseminates trends by carrying out various projects and product development in fashion, art, and culture with a Japanese identity. “YEN” in the brand name represents the Japanese currency “yen (yen/¥)”.

Mr. Nakagawa, whose works will be on sale at YEN TOWN MARKET, is a ceramic artist who studied ceramics at the Kutani Ware Technical Training Institute and currently creates works at a workshop in Kanazawa.

Mr. Nakagawa says that he values ​​“enjoying coincidence” when creating works. This also applies to the works she creates, and her works, which use kneading techniques, have the greatest characteristic of being “one-of-a-kind, and no two are the same.”

By mixing clay of different colors and improvising on the potter’s wheel, the patterns and shapes that are discovered by chance are unique. Mr. Nakagawa says that this feeling is similar to the feeling of digging, and the patterns change each time depending on the number of times the soil is kneaded and the way the clay is combined. He says he is attracted to coincidences.

In addition, due to our commitment to color, we made many test pieces to check the color development and color scheme.

He is particular about making each piece unique by trying out color combinations from a variety of color samples and adding hand-shaping after rolling on the potter’s wheel.

When you visit the store, be sure to check out Mr. Nakagawa’s one-of-a-kind works.

Yo Nakagawa Profile

2013 Graduated from Ishikawa Prefectural Kutani Ware Technical Training Institute

2014 Graduated from Ishikawa Prefectural Kutani Ware Technical Training Institute

2017-2021 Enrolled in Ishikawa Prefectural Kutani Ware Technical Training Institute Practical Modeling Course

Currently producing works at a studio in Kanazawa.

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