TOKIO Shigeru Jojima & SixTONES Shintaro Morimoto, “The! Iron arm! Helping seahorses find love with DASH!!

■The third installment of “Jogashima Project” has started!

Nippon Television “The!” will be broadcast on September 29th at 19:00. Iron arm! DASH!!” delivers the third installment of “Jogashima Project”. In order to increase the number of seahorses, the idols of the sea, who are on the brink of extinction worldwide, the program helps seahorses find love. Will Ryunosuke and Oryu’s love finally come to fruition through handmade houses and plastic board crafts?

Over the past two years, the Jogashima Project has succeeded in increasing the numbers of octopus and great squid, which are in sharp decline nationwide, by creating spawning areas by hand.

In this third installment, the one we want to add to the list is the seahorse, who is a top sea idol and is nicknamed the “sea dragon.” There are approximately 60 species of seahorses around the world, but their numbers have been drastically decreasing in recent years due to factors such as global warming. If action is not taken now, there is a risk of extinction.

Where exactly is the seahorse in such a critical situation? In order to find out its whereabouts, Shigeru Jojima (TOKIO), Shintaro Morimoto (SixTONES), Taichi Masu (assistant professor at Doshisha University), and Hisashi Kimura (marine environment expert) team up with powerful fisherman Hideki Ishibashi and professional diver Tsuyoshi Kinoshita. Explore the underwater world of Jogashima with the help of others.

Although we could see large schools of sardines and fish of all sizes swimming around energetically, including that ultra-luxury fish, it was hard to see the all-important seahorse. Despite the breeding season, the “eelgrass field” that was the original meeting place has disappeared, so they may have lost their place and are wandering…

So, in order to bring together the scattered seahorses, everyone created a meeting place by hand. “Ryugu Heights” will be set up using bamboo bows and nostalgic plastic board crafts. Then, a few days later, a miraculous sight appeared!

Be sure to watch the broadcast on September 29th for shocking footage that will surely make your heart flutter, from adorable encounters to spawning.

Program information

Nippon Television“The! Iron arm! DASH!!”
09/29 (Sun) 19:00-19:59
Performers: TOKIO, Shintaro Morimoto (SixTONES), Taichi Masu (Assistant Professor, Doshisha University), Takashi Kimura (Marine Environment Specialist)

“The! Iron arm! DASH!!” program site

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