The movie “Maru” starring Tsuyoshi Domoto has received rave reviews from Takumi Kitamura and other celebrities from all over the world! “I couldn’t take my eyes off me, I couldn’t breathe.”

■It has also been decided that an “original film-style photo sheet” will be distributed as a gift to visitors to the movie “Maru” starring Tsuyoshi Domoto!

The movie “Maru” (released on October 18th) starring Tsuyoshi Domoto has received rave reviews from famous people from all over the world.

Takuma Takasaki, who co-wrote and produced PERFECT DAYS (2023), which received high acclaim both domestically and internationally, and Takumi Kitamura, an actor who has announced his debut as a short film director, and a film that has a reputation for being a live-action adaptation of a popular manga. Director Yuichi Fukuda, manga artist Misato Konari known for “Coffee Ikagasou” and “Nagi’s Time” and other people who support Japanese culture, comedians Lily, Mayurika Nakatani, wild bomb Kukki. -! Comments were received from a wide variety of celebrities unique to the movie “Maru”, including contemporary artist Ken Kagami, who is a reference to the art that is the subject of this film, and Yohei Sugita, a painter who appeared in season 1 of “Bachelorette Japan.”

Director Yuichi Fukuda, who has known Domoto for many years, commented with surprise, “The movie “Maru” was completely unfamiliar to me.” Takumi Kitamura highly praised the movie, saying, “The gravitational pull that the movie Maru has as a work, and the gravitational pull that Domoto-san has. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it, and I couldn’t take my breath away.” Witnessing Domoto’s new frontier, compliments continued to pour in. It has arrived.

Also, “I felt like I was able to see Director Ogigami in his full body without all his armor” (Misato Konari), “Director Ogigami’s sense of humor as if he was trying to hide his embarrassment was more endearing than ever” ( There were many comments that were fascinated by the sense of style of Director Takuma Takasaki) and Director Ogigami. Just as Sawada becomes obsessed with “○” in the movie, the many comments from celebrities who were drawn to the charm of the movie “Maru” are a must-read.

Furthermore, to commemorate the release of the film, those who watch the film between October 18th and October 24th will be presented with a limited number of “original films” featuring famous scenes from the film as a gift to those who watch the film. It has been decided that “Kaze Photo Sheet” will be distributed. The item is a film-style display of scenes from the play, such as Sawada, played by Tsuyoshi Domoto, drawing an “○”, Yokoyama, played by Tsuyoshi Ayano, and Mo, played by Win Morisaki, and cuts of Sawada with each of them. For details, please visit the movie’s official website. Please note that visitor gifts will end as soon as they run out, so be sure to get to the theater early.

■Takuma Takasaki “PERFECT DAYS” co-screenwriter/producer

This movie taught me that being lost and confused is kindness.
The sincerity of the creator, who never ran away from it, turned that kindness into warmth before you knew it.
Director Ogigami’s shy humor was even more endearing than usual.

■Takumi Kitamura (actor)
I think Tsuyoshi Domoto’s charm lies in his gravitational pull. I was once again reminded that this happens naturally through the body of Tsuyoshi Domoto, both in music and in acting. The gravitational pull of the movie “Maru” as a work, and the gravitational pull of Mr. Domoto. I couldn’t take my eyes off her and couldn’t catch my breath.

■Floor plan Lily (comedian)
The “circle” drawn by artist Sawada, an art college graduate who has not yet been evaluated, turns out to be something extraordinary!
The “circle” that appears in the story is just a cool piece of art! I want to buy it and display it in my room!
I can’t think of anyone else other than Tsuyoshi Domoto to play the role of the main character, Sawada! It’s so shocking that I can’t imagine anyone else!
Visuals and music that bring out the best in director Naoko Hagiue’s Japanese films. It’s somehow nostalgic and emotional. You’ll want to repeat it over and over again.
Win Morisaki’s acting was really good! ! In comparison, the role played by Ideyasu Oda was disgusting!
Check it out too!
“Maru” that you should definitely watch

■Misato Konari (manga artist)
I feel like I was able to see Director Ogigami without all his armor. Fierce poison and innocent Baumkuchen. Whole and whole and whole.

■Yuichi Fukuda (film director/director)
I don’t know what Tsuyoshi thinks, but I consider him my best friend and ally.
I have known Tsuyoshi since he was 19 years old. We met on a program called “Tsuyochando Honpo”.
We became friends by sharing each other’s weaknesses.
Tsuyoshi was the first person to come to my house to see my child when my first child was born.
“Domoto Brothers”, “Honestly Tired”, “33 Minute Detective”, “Tenma-san ga Yuku”, “Gintama”,
I’ve been making this while talking to Tsuyoshi.
Even when I’m not working, I just hang out at Tsuyoshi’s house, eating Yoshinoya beef bowl,
There was a time when we watched TV.
I went to see Endri Kelly live many times, and I was proud to know everything about Tsuyoshi.
However, the movie “Maru” was completely unfamiliar to me.
That may be director Ogigami’s skill, or it may be Tsuyoshi’s revolution as an actor.
Anyway, this was the first time I’d seen Tsuyoshi Domoto, even though I’ve been with him for such a long time.
I wanted a lot of people to see this movie, and I wanted to share this story with this unfathomable Tsuyoshi Domoto.
I want to work with you again! It was a movie that made me think.

■Wild Bomb Kukki! (comedian)
It was a movie that reminded us of the gap between the people who gather without desire, the birth of greed, and the absence of desire.
I, the Mushi-Ningen, have always valued the concept of “maru”, and I thought that it was too important to express this feeling in words, but this is a wonderful embodiment that goes beyond words. It’s up to you how you feel when you look at it. If that’s the case, I’m desperate for a look.

■Ken Kagami (contemporary artist)
This is a must-see movie for young people who want to become artists.
It’s full of things that aren’t taught at school.
Recommended but not recommended. It may be better to know, but it may be better not to know.
It was the kind of movie where I was able to come up with a variety of answers.

■Nami Iguchi (film director)
living in a square world
Aim for ◯
Just by living and being alive
Does that mean it’s a triangle?
When the experience of success overlaps with that
Is it really possible to aim for ◯?
I can’t take my eyes off Sawada’s (Tsuyoshi Domoto) choice.

■Mayurika Nakatani (comedian)
Interesting! It was like seeing a dream!
I once aspired to be a manga artist, but the person I met at an online meetup looked exactly like Yokoyama in his words and actions, and it felt strangely real to me.
Also, the fact that Mr. Oda is in it feels so real to me.

■Satoshi Miki (film director)
〇 is 〇 because it is 〇, and all 〇, if unraveled, are not 〇.
The movie “Maru” shook my brain like the long-period vibrations of an earthquake.
Amplifying resonance, like being on a pedestrian bridge over a national highway, the shaking of the brain is between a concussion and a trip.
It was such a pleasure to go back and forth.
There’s one thing I’d like to ask you.
After watching this movie, what do you think when you look at the sky above the movie theater?
Well, it’s fine after all.

■Reita Shiga (QuizKnock Director)

Art and the public, how you evaluate yourself and how others see you. The main character, Sawada, who is confused by such conflicting values, sees a number of problems that seem to occur in a limited place, but that anyone can encounter. This work is also wonderful in how it weaves together these issues that span multiple axes. What do you pay attention to when you watch this movie, and what moves you? I want to know that.

■Yohei Sugita (Painter)
Tsuyoshi Domoto’s first solo film in 27 years captivated me with the original story directed by Naoko Ogigami. The conflicts and growth of the main character, Sawada, gradually penetrated my heart, and I was drawn into the story, which was not easy to follow. While I am moved by the deep meaning of the symbols ants and 〇, I am fascinated by the unique world view where reality and fantasy intertwine. Even after watching the movie, I couldn’t get the main character’s change of heart and the mystery of 〇 out of my head, and I felt like it was a circle with no start or end, wondering what path the artist believed he would take.

■Frog-tei Shuhei Nakano (comedian)
I was drawn into the mysterious story like a whirlpool. Before you know it, it’s all in your head. I also like to draw, so there were some scenes that made me ask myself questions, so it was a lot of fun to watch.

■buggy (artist)
Is the essence of art self-expression? Is it a means of communication that goes beyond words?
Perhaps the essence of art lies in Enso, which combines simplicity and complexity.
I still don’t understand that, so I’m going to play around with it.

■Satori Ito (movie personality/film critic)
It’s so interesting that you can’t get over it.
The seven wonders of the round earth where people coexist are the words that someone discovers that transform the ordinary into genius.
Tsuyoshi Domoto was hooked right into the world of Ogigami, where he was glued to a world where stillness and movement made people laugh.
Tsuyoshi Ayano, who twists and turns that, is formidable.

Movie information

October 18th (Friday) Roadshow
Cast: Tsuyoshi Domoto
Tsuyoshi Ayano / Riho Yoshioka Win Morisaki Junki Totsuka Oda Mari Hamada
Akira Emoto / Taichi Saotome Haiiri Katagiri Kotaro Yoshida / Satomi Kobayashi
Director/Screenplay: Naoko Ogigami
Music: .ENDRECHERI./Tsuyoshi Domoto
Theme song: Tsuyoshi Domoto “Machi (movie ver.)”
Production/Distribution: Asmik Ace
(C)2024 Asmik Ace, Inc.

Movie “Maru” work site


Admission benefits

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