Nogizaka46 Minami Umezawa x Haruka Kaki x Sakura Endo, Miki Maya, DAIGO starring “Baitoru” new TV commercial begins broadcasting

■The CM theme song isAdo’s “new era”!

New TV commercial for “Baitoru” starring Nogizaka46’s Minami Umezawa, Haruka Kaki, Sakura Endo, Miki Maya, and DAIGO “dip AI Bakutan!” ‘ version (15 seconds) will start airing nationwide from October 25th, and ‘Finding the perfect job’ version (15 seconds) will start airing from November 11th.

Five people who are the image characters of “Baitoru” appear in the new TV commercial. Look forward to their collaboration with Metal Baichu, who has evolved into a metal band.

■CM story
“dip AI explosion! ” is a story that tells the story of how researchers Miki Maya, DAIGO, and Nogizaka46 developed “dip AI” and ushered in a new era in which jobs can be selected using AI.

In the “Finding the perfect job” edition, three members of Nogizaka46 consult “dip AI” and express how they find the perfect job that suits them.

■Photography/production episode
◇Miki Maya practices her lines over and over again while listening to Ado’s “New Era” playing on the set.
This time, Ado’s “New Era”, which is also the CM theme song, was playing at the shooting site. Miki Maya gets into a groove as soon as she listens to the music, but she also carefully reads the script before filming. Also, during filming, he showed off his amazing acting skills by following the director’s instructions accurately and performing various variations on a single line.

◇DAIGO is told by Miki Maya, “You’re just like a developer!”
In this commercial, “Finding the Perfect Job,” all performers wear white coats in a laboratory-like set lined with experimental equipment such as flasks, beakers, and test tubes. Miki Maya checked the video on the monitor and said, “DAIGO-san looks like a developer!” The cast members seemed to be having fun while filming.

It was impressive to see him checking his lines with the director and checking the monitor every time a cut was made, and carefully performing each and every line.

◇Minami Umezawa, Haruka Kaki, and Sakura Endo are nervous about appearing in a TV commercial for the first time in a while
Minami Umezawa, Haruka Kaki, and Sakura Endo are filming a commercial for the first time in a while. Even though he was talking with co-stars Miki Maya and DAIGO, he appeared a little nervous as he approached the shoot. As the filming progressed, he seemed to be less nervous, and even though he was surprised by Baichu’s large head, he was smiling throughout the shoot with Metal Baichu.

■Performer interview
Q. What were your impressions after filming, and what was the most impressive part of filming?
DAIGO:Metal Baichu was amazing! It was so big that it jumped out of the screen! (Laughs) Also, a new era of services where AI can find you a job! I’m curious about what kind of job you’re suited for.
Miki Maya:The fact that Baichu evolved and became the strongest and became Metal Baichu had a strong impact, and I was really surprised. Shooting with DAIGO is always fun, but this time there were many scenes in which we played an active role as researchers, and we had a lot of fun shooting with Nogizaka46.

Q. Chat services that utilize AI have become popular recently, but have you ever used AI?
DAIGO:I’m not very familiar with it, but I used to shoot a music video in the scenery of Hatoba Town, and the director said that the Hatoba Town was created using AI!
Miki Maya:I recently took a personality test. It seems that the diagnosis is based on detailed data, and I don’t do much fortune-telling, but it was amazing.
Haruka Kaki:There is a robot dog at Nogizaka46’s office, and the manager takes care of it passionately, and I feel comforted by the dog’s appearance.

Q. Are there any inconveniences in your daily life that you would like to solve using AI?
DAIGO:It’s not an inconvenience, but I would like to know how long it will last. I want to live by counting backwards! (lol) What would I do if someone told me I was 120 years old? (lol)
Miki Maya:I would like to know what else I should acquire in life. Do I need to learn it now, or is it already too late? I’m simply interested.
Sakura Endo:I want them to think about coordinating the clothes they wear to work every day. There are a lot of fashionable members in Nogizaka46, such as shirts and pants, so I would like AI to suggest coordination that matches the TPO and atmosphere.

Q. This time, you mentioned that AI will suggest jobs that are suitable for each person, but are there any jobs that you think would be suitable for each person?
DAIGO:I would like Maya to become a cram school teacher. A smart image! I want to study, I want you to teach me! I want to be scolded for not doing it properly (lol).
Miki Maya:I think DAIGO would be a good pianist. It seems to suit the visual image. In another work, an actor played the piano during breaks, and that time was very enriching, so I think having a hobby has a different appeal. Also, the side profile is cool, so it looks good on me.
Minami Umezawa:Saku (Sakura Endo) likes books, so I would like her to work as a librarian. I would like you to recommend books at the library and write book reviews.
Haruka Kaki:It’s just a wish, but I’d like Mr. Umezawa to open a yakiniku restaurant or an izakaya hall. I want you to carry the mug in one hand.
Sakura Endo:She’s good at talking about various things, so I’d like Kakki (Haruka Kaki) to tell me about how to raise a pet that suits my lifestyle and which pets she recommends at a pet shop. He has a keen eye for observation, so he seems to be good at conveying good things.

Q. In the commercial, the phrase “a new era is this dip AI” appears, but do you personally feel that a “new era” has arrived, as your work situation and private life have changed drastically from your past career? Please tell me what happened.
DAIGO:With the birth of our second child, a new era has just arrived! I struggle every day to raise my children. I would like to ask AI for parenting advice and how to soothe a child (lol).
Miki Maya:Checking out at the cash register after shopping is really amazing! I felt that it was really convenient and a new era because just by placing the cart, the products would react and the price would be reflected.
Sakura Endo:I renewed my passport the other day, and I was surprised to find that I can now renew my passport by simply entering the required information online. In the past, I was not good at filling out documents by hand and lining up at the counter, but now that I can complete the procedures online, I feel like we are in a new era.

“Baitor” official website


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