Drama “Ensemble” Haruna Kawaguchi and Hokuto Matsumura (SixTONES) are cranking in! “Let’s bring the good atmosphere of the scene to the scene.”

■“I feel like the workplace has a fun atmosphere.” (Hokuto Matsumura)

Filming has started for Nippon Television’s new TV drama 10 “Ensemble,” which will start in January 2025.

My favorite word is cost performance. Haruna Kawaguchi, who plays the role of Sena Koyama, a “realistic” female lawyer from Taipa, and Hokuto Matsumura, who plays the role of Yu Madohara, an “idealistic” new lawyer who believes in love and sincerity, are the two cranks. I went in.

The shooting of the two begins with a scene in which Madohara, for some reason, ambushes Sena in front of the Takanashi Law Office building where Sena works. Filming for this winter’s biggest love story, “Ensemble,” has finally begun.

When asked about their impressions after filming, Kawaguchi said, “I think they’re a good duo, a little unbalanced, without being too careful in a good way! So far, filming has been going well!”

Matsumura also said, “Thanks to (Mr. Kawaguchi’s) personality, there was a good atmosphere on set, and I was able to talk without any formality, and I think that ease of conversation will be reflected in the scenes. I feel like I’m on the spot,” he commented. Even during the interview, the shooting scene was filled with a friendly atmosphere between the two.

Furthermore, regarding the upcoming filming, Matsumura said, “I think the filming will get busier and busier, but I’ll do my best to follow the director and do my best to make you think, “He was positive until the end!” Kawaguchi talked about his thoughts on the role. “There are so many scenes where the two of us are together, so I hope that we can develop a relationship that is cute and makes people laugh.We have a long way to go, so I want to take care of my body and do my best.” I think so!” he said enthusiastically.

It has also been decided that the broadcast will start from 10pm on January 18th.

Program information

Nippon TV Saturday drama 10“ensemble”
Broadcast starts on January 18, 2025
Every Saturday 22:00-22:54
Cast: Haruna Kawaguchi, Hokuto Matsumura
Production cooperation: NTV Axon
Production work: Nippon Television

“Ensemble” program site

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