The 9th installment of JO1 members’ self-project “PLANJ” is Kazunari Mamehara’s original song “Not Puppy Love”

■“I tried everything with the mindset that nothing will happen unless I try, so I would be happy if you would listen to it a lot.” (Kazunari Mamehara)

Kazunari Mamehara’s “Not Puppy Love” ((PLANJ) ORIGINAL: ‘Not Puppy Love’) is the 9th installment of JO1’s member self-project “PLANJ” (pronounced: plant) on their official YouTube channel. ) was published.

“Not Puppy Love” is an original song by Kazunari Mamehara, and is a pop tune with English lyrics set to a light beat.

Kazunari Mamehara said, “Since it was my first time to perform a song by myself, I wanted to do something, so I wrote all the lyrics in English.I took on the challenge with the mindset that I will try anything, and that nothing will happen until I try. I tried it, so I’d be happy if you listen to it a lot.The lyrics also contain some of my thoughts as an adult, so please pay attention to them!I’ll do my best every day in 2025!” He passionately talked about his enthusiasm for the challenge and production.

The music video is impressive with its cool and light dance scene, and includes the lyrics “Not Puppy Love, Don’t call me cute, Just call me your man” (Japanese translation: “Not Puppy Love, Don’t call me cute, Just call me your man”). The lyrics “Call me your man” contain a message that he wants people to look back at him as an adult. Please check it out.

Release information

2025.03.04 ON SALE

2025.04.02 ON SALE


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