Produced by HACNAMATADA! ‘s latest single “Isn’t Eeee’s Rhyme? feat. Monyusode.” Streaming will begin on Saturday, March 1st from various music streaming services!

Monyuso’s latest single, “Isn’t Eeyori no Rise?” feat. Monyusode’ will be available for streaming on Saturday, March 1st! Please listen!

Continue working on various social media such as TikTok and YouTubeIt’s a monusoThe second single of 2025“Isn’t “Oh, isn’t a rhyme?” (feat. Monyusode)’ releasehas been decided. Following the previous collaboration song, this time it’s a big sound of the reggae scene.HACNAMATADAProduced.

HACNAMATADA and NyusoLush MusicProduced live house event“RAGALUSH”He has been involved in a wide range of events, including the work, and this work is a new challenge, combining “Rhyme Encer” with Nyusode and reggae sound.I’m really doing reggae, but it’s a lotPlease look forward to it and listen to it.

HACNAMATADAProduce“Isn’t “Oh, isn’t a rhyme?” (feat. Monyusode)teeth,From midnight on Saturday, March 1stFrom Apple Music, Spotify and other music streaming servicesDistribution starts.

Please listen to it a lot!

Title: Isn’t “Whoaaaaa rhyme?” feat. Monyusode

Release: From 10am on Saturday, March 1st, 2025

Lyrics: Monyusode


Mastering Engineer: ARUZ STUDIO


Co-producer: ARUZ STUDIO

“I don’t know about Monyuso, but Upper” Tokyo FM is open every Friday from 11pm. On February 28th, Mr. ST from HACNAMATADA will be the guest. There are also plenty of interesting talks, such as the production situation for this work. If you missed it, please visit radiko Time Free
Mr. ST will liven up the reggae event “RAGALUSH vol.4”
“RAGALUSH vol.4” loud cheers
“RAGALUSH vol.5” is scheduled to be held every time! The venue is LIVE HOUSE LUSH (5 minutes’ walk from Yaizu Station). Be sure to enjoy reggae!

Monyusode Profile

LushMusicA female duo consisting of Nyuko (left) and director Minami Murasodeko (right) of LUSH Inc., which operates the company. Formed in December 2020.

The company aims to combine boxing, music and gourmet food.Kameda Koki FounderCombined with the 3150FIGHT led by“3150 x LUSHBOMU” seriesThe radio program is sponsored by TOKYO FM (80.0MHz) and 38 JFN stations, and is airing every Friday from 11:00pm.“I don’t know about the upper part because it’s Monyuso.”personality ofKyrgyz Republic Tourism Ambassador appointedHe is active in a wide range of fields, including not only social media, but also various media, events, and production businesses.

Official SNS Total number of followers: Over 800,000

▷Monyuso’s official website


▷Official SNS account





▷NyucoDeco Online Store (Monyusode Apparel Brand)

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