BLUE ENCOUNT’s new song “BLADE” has been decided to be the opening theme for “Shin Samurai Den YAIBA”, which will be made into a TV anime about 30 years after the completion of Aoyama Gosho’s work “YAIBA”!
The new song “BLADE” is a rock number with a very fast feel that expresses the anime’s worldview in a way that is in a way that is like BLUE ENCOUNT. Some of the song can be viewed in the main PV of the anime that was released this time. The anime will air from 5:30pm on April 5th on Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV nationwide. I hope you will look forward to it along with the song.
■Tanabe Shunichi (Vo/Gt) Comments
I was shaking. I hope the day will come when I will be able to write the theme song for a great masterpiece…
A trendy sound? The cutting edge genre?
No. We want to deliver the music we believe in, “BLUE ENCOUNT” straight to you.
The moment I felt that way, I remember the chorus for this song was created, as if the thick clouds were clearing.
A sharp blade-like belief will surely cut off the darkness.
This song has the passion that you would only want to hear in this era.
Please take our “serious” status.
▼Program information
TV anime “Shin Samurai Den YAIBA”
Saturday, April 5th, Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV nationwide network Saturday at 5:30pm (excluding some areas)
Opening theme: BLUE ENCOUNT “BLADE”
Official website:
Official X:@YAIBA_PR
Official TikTok:yaiba_pr
(C) Aoyama Gosho/Shogakukan/Shin Samurai Den YAIBA Production Committee
TV/Anime “Babambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambamba
TV Asahi 24 nationwide network “IMAnimation” slot every Saturday from 11:30pm
Exclusively streamed on Netflix immediately after terrestrial broadcast
Original work: Okushima Hiromasa “Babambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambam
Directed/Scriptwriter: Kawasaki Itro
Sound Effects: Koyama Kyomasa
Sound production: Bitgroove Promotion
Animation production: GAINA
Opening theme song: BLUE ENCOUNT “Bloody Liar”
Official website:
Official X:@bababa_anime
▼Release Information
5th Full Album
“Alliance of Quintetto”
(SME Records)
[First edition](CD + BD)
SECL-3173~4/¥5,300 (tax included)
[Regular Edition]
SECL-3175/¥3,500 (tax included)
1. Quintet
3. daisy *ABC-MART “Closing Stock Sale” TV commercial song
4. Amaryllis *TV anime “MIX MEISEI STORY – Second Summer, Beyond the Sky” Opening theme
5. bird cage
6. Decoy Prisoner *Theme song for the Nippon Television Saturday Drama “Voice II 110 Emergency Command Room”
7. Bloody Liar *Opening theme for the TV anime “Babambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambampare”
10. Guilty Proclamation *Theme song for Drama 8 “Lawyer Sodom”
11. change(e) *Drama Tweet! “Wingman” opening theme
12. Prometheus
13. to be continued
14. Overtime
15. gifted *Theme song for the Netflix series “Rising Impact”
(Bonus BD with the first edition)
・Music video
1. Decoy prisoner
4. Convicted Proclamation
5. Amaryllis
7. chang(e)
8. Bloody Liar
・Making of “Alliance of Quintetto”
Purchase CDsHere
The distribution isHere
“Bloody Liar”
(SME Records)
[Limited Edition](CD + BD)
SECL-3171~2/¥1,800 (tax included)
・Includes a wide cap sticker with original anime design
・BLUE ENCOUNT 20th Anniversary tour “to BE continued” Tokyo Garden Theater performance after party application postcard included
1. Bloody Liar *The opening theme song for the TV anime “Babambambambambambambambambambambampare”
2. New Dawn
3. Bloody Liar (TV size)
Bull Walk Shanghai and Taiwan edition
Purchase CDsHere
The distribution isHere
▼Tour Information
(BLUE ENCOUNT tour 2025 “Meet the Quintetto”)
May 8th (Thursday) Kitami Onion Hall
May 9th (Friday) Asahikawa CASINO★DRIVE
Sunday, May 11th, Otaru GOLDSTONE
Wednesday, June 18th, Nagasaki DRUM Be-7
Friday, June 20th Kagoshima CAPARVO HALL
Saturday, June 21st Kumamoto B.9 V1
Saturday, July 12th Izumo APOLLO
Sunday, July 13th Okayama YEBISU YA PRO
Tuesday, July 15th Takamatsu DIME
Wednesday, July 16th Tokushima Club GRINDHOUSE
Saturday, August 2nd Akita Club SWINDLE
Sunday, August 3rd, Koriyama HIPSHOT JAPAN
Tuesday, August 5th NAGANO CLUB JUNK BOX
Wednesday, August 6th Toyama soulpower
Friday, August 8th Kanazawa AZ
■Final Series
November 7th (Fri) KT Zepp YOKOHAMA
Sunday, November 9th NIIGATA LOTS
Sunday, November 16th Sendai GIGS
Saturday, November 22nd Sapporo Factory Hall
Wednesday, November 26th Zepp Nagoya
Friday, November 28th Zepp Fukuoka
Saturday, November 29th, Zepp Osaka Bayside
Saturday, December 6th BLUELIVE HIROSHIMA
Sunday, December 7th Takamatsu festhalle
December 19th (Friday) Zepp Haneda (TOKYO)
Performances from May 8th to August 8th: All Standing ¥5,500 (+1D)
Final Series: Standing on the 1st floor ¥6,500 / Reserved seats on the 2nd floor (※Only for venues with 2nd floor seats) ¥7,500 (+1D)
For more detailsHere