“Shu-Chew Beats” is released for gum-only background music by Aminomori Shohei, Osawa Shinichi and Pa-on.

As part of a new project by Lotte Inc., “Gum-only BGM” produced by Amimori Masahira, Osawa Shinichi, and PC Music Club has been released.

In a “Nationwide Concentration Survey of Offices” conducted by Lotte among office workers across Japan, about 80% of respondents said they could be unable to concentrate in the office, but only a quarter of people took measures to concentrate. Regarding countermeasures, about 70% responded that “chewing gum in the office to concentrate,” and about 70% also responded that they were positive when asked, “If there is music to create a concentration under the supervision of experts, would you like to use it?” Regarding the latter, many office workers also heard comments such as, “If supervised by an expert, it seems to be highly reliable and effective,” “I don’t know if the music I’m listening to is really focused,” and “I haven’t found or found the music that’s right for me.”

These results revealed that, as the mood of returning to work is growing, creating a state of concentration is a challenge for office workers, but it is difficult to take measures, and that there are people’s needs to deal with this. Lotte, which has previously proposed the “benefits of chewing gum to create a state of concentration,” focused on the findings and teamed up with Edagawa Yoshikuni, a neuroscientist and professor at Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Technology Management, to promote concentration through the rhythm of “gum x music.”“Shu-Chew Beats”Developed. Focusing on the relationship between the type of concentration we are looking for and the BPM that is suitable for this, we have developed a dedicated concentration tool that supports the “state of concentration” of modern people through the rhythm of “gum x music.”

Special page for “Shu-Chew Beats”

Mimori Masahira, Osawa Shinichi, and PC Music Club, who agreed with this initiative, have developed three types of gum-only background music. In order to respond to the voices of office workers across the country, we have developed BPM140 (PC Music Club), BPM120 (Osawa Shinichi), and BPM66 (Amimori Shohei) songs that are tailored to the type of concentration. Pay attention to the songs that show the individuality of the three groups.

[Comment from Edagawa Yoshikuni (Professor, Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University Graduate School/Neuroscientist)]

With the changing way of working, it is becoming more important to be able to concentrate anytime, anywhere, in the situation you want.
However, in most workplaces, concentration is likely to be hindered, making it difficult to maintain high productivity. I want to achieve great results, but I can’t concentrate as much as I want. Many business people are probably struggling with their heads.
This Shu-Chew Beats project aims at such business people to combine the rhythms created by chewing gum with the rhythms of music to achieve the ultimate concentration. Research has shown that rhythmic movements caused by chewing gum have the effect of improving concentration. In addition to the rhythmic movement of “biting,” it is expected that the rhythm of the song, which was developed specifically for “concentrating,” will be combined to encourage even more concentration.
We also know that each piece of music you listen to when you do something has a suitable type of task. Please try using this Shu-Chew Beats content to suit the type of concentration you want to get.

Edagawa Yoshikuni

[Comment by Aminomori Masahira (Songs in charge: BPM66 / Chill)]

BPM66 is said to have a tempo that is suitable for concentrating on complex tasks. That said, it’s difficult to concentrate on complex tasks, so you also need to take a break. Rather, I created this BPM, which is perfect for intermittent concentration, including breaks, and I imagined my own interpretation.
Don’t rush, chew gum and occasionally take a walk, and do your best at work.

Amimori Shohei

[Comment from Osawa Shinichi (Songs in charge: BPM120/Hyper)]

In a sense, the BPM120 is the most standard value for dance music, and the “four-hit” in which the bass drum, which is the basis of the rhythm, is a true basic of the basics. This time, we created the sound space with the aim of reducing the number of sounds as much as possible and creating a solid, minimalistic sound space.

Osawa Shinichi

[Comment on PC Music Club (Songs in charge: BPM140 / Extreme)]

I heard that the BPM140 is a tempo that speeds up work, so I created it with the feeling of delivering energy to people who are struggling with deadlines or those who want to put effort into the crucial moments. Please chew gum while listening to our songs and try the work.

PC Music Club

Special page for “Shu-Chew Beats”

Biting Lab – Lotte

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