[NAQT VANE]Special Event – Dispersion – Held! New member Yunoa joins Dengeki!

On May 11th (Sat), “NAQT VANE Special Event – ​​Dispersion -” was held at Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE.

The red that lights up in the darkness flickers faintly along with the tension of the intro. The opening song, “Dispersion,” begins with a dark atmosphere, combining the piano tones and Harukaze’s mysterious singing voice. Along with the tense sound, the red color became brighter, drawing the audience into the world view from the first song. “NOWVERSE” is an up-tempo song that starts with a light guitar, and “Loopers” raises the heat of the venue with Harukaze’s encouragement, and it gradually becomes clear that the song’s composition will be similar to their first full-length album “Dispersion” released in January. To go. After showing off their updated performance from the beginning, they continued into “Vanilla Days”, which features a relaxed vocal that has been praised as a talented group. NAQT VANE has a strong image of cool songs, but songs like “Vanilla Days” that remind you of gentle light shining into the darkness are also beautiful.

“Good evening!! Welcome to NAQT VANE Special Event – Dispersion -!!” Harukaze started his MC with a bright smile and a big smile. When I asked, “Are you from somewhere other than Tokyo today?”, one voice after another came up: “Osaka!”, “Fukuoka!”, “Miyagi!”, and “Hokkaido!”. Some of them said, “China!”, giving us a glimpse of NAQT VANE’s fan base that is spreading globally. After enjoying communicating with the fans for a while, he returned to the performance, saying, “Next time, I want people to listen to it more deeply.”

“NIGHTINGALE,” which became a hot topic in the movie “Singing Six Women,” also sounds more gentle tonight. With the green lighting reminiscent of a forest, the stage immediately became cool again with “puzzle.” Harukaze captivated the venue with an atmosphere that evoked a certain sex appeal, and showed a staging that was in perfect harmony with Hiroyuki Sawano. The songs on the album are performed in the order they appear on stage, but each one is wrapped in a delicate arrangement that can only be achieved by a band, and each one arrives with a fresh sound.
In her debut song “Break Free,” which has a strong universal message, Harukaze’s expression is soft as she sings with a strong sense of universal message, and there are scenes where she smiles and waves to VANEs (NAQT VANE fans’ name). The last phrase “Live as if today’s the last day to live” means “Let’s live as if today is the last day”, but today’s Harukaze seems to be putting even more thought into this phrase. Looked. NAQT VANE started with the message of “giving a tailwind to challengers.” Harukaze said, “(At the same time as giving people a tailwind, I am also a challenger myself. There are times when I feel like I’m going to give up and feel frustrated, but even when I feel like giving up, I know that today is my last day. Let’s think about it and try again, keeping in mind that if we try again, maybe we can do it.I hope you will listen carefully to these words,” he said with a serious expression. . However, she encouraged the VANEs who took her words seriously, saying, “I think everyone puts a lot of effort into the performance, but the MC! Speak out loud and get the vibes up!”, showing off her friendly personality and gal side. .

In the blink of an eye, the second half of the stage progressed with rhythmically exciting songs such as “CHRONIC” and “Ditty,” as well as a call-and-response unique to a live performance. Comprising two emotional songs, “TOUCH” and “VANE,” Hiroyuki Sawano’s synthesizer also resonated pleasantly in “VANE,” which thrilled the venue with an anthem that seemed to clear away the daily pent-up emotions. The following songs “Reminiscing” and “Rust” immerse everyone in the audience at once, creating a tense atmosphere that will take your breath away and delivering a message. It can be said that this variation and gap between each song is one of the major charms of NAQT VANE’s performance.

NAQT VANE performed an exciting 14 songs towards the end. Total producer Hiroyuki Sawano said, “A year has passed in the blink of an eye since last year’s event, and at that time there weren’t many songs and there was a lot of talk, but now that the album has been released, the day has finally come for people to listen to the music thoroughly. I’m happy,” he commented. “NAQT VANE’s theme is “challenge,” but since it’s a project, I want to take on a variety of challenges in a variety of ways,” he continued, and here’s a surprising comment. “Around that time, I met a vocalist who could expand my possibilities again…” “Please welcome, Yunoa!”, the new member Yunoa appeared on stage as Harukaze called out to her. She has impressive glossy black hair and a mysterious presence that combines both a mysterious atmosphere and innocence. Among the VANEs who were surprised by the surprise addition of a new member, Yunoa stood on stage with a dignified appearance and performed a new song “Beautiful Mess” in a twin vocal style with Harukaze. After impressing with her soulful singing voice, which was different from Harukaze’s singing voice, she surprised the audience by saying, “It’s only been about two months since she debuted as an artist.” She rapped on “NOWVERSE” as if to show off her own abilities and new musical possibilities. It surprised the VANEs even more and at the same time aroused their anticipation, causing them to burst out into cheers.

After showing a high-quality performance that will make you look forward to the future, they announced that they will be releasing a new song on September 20th under this new system. It is said that the two vocalists will be touring in-stores across the country from June to July, so it looks like the new NAQT VANE will be unveiled to the nation.
NAQT VANE has made a fresh start with an eye toward expanding the team project and new possibilities. Total producer Hiroyuki Sawano must have already seen what kind of chemical reaction the combination of Harukaze’s powerful vocals and Yunoa’s characteristic bass expression will bring about. The day will come when the music they express will move the hearts of even more people and become a movement with great enthusiasm.

“NAQT VANE Special Event – ​​Dispersion –” is being archived until May 18th (Sat) 23:59.
Please come and see the much-talked-about performance.

“NAQT VANE Special Event – ​​Dispersion –” archive now available!
▼Click here to purchase online distribution tickets
*Until May 18th (Sat) 23:59



◆NAQT VANE first full album “Dispersion” now available

◆The twin vocal system’s first new song will be released on 9/20 (Friday)! National in-store events will be held from June to July.

●Harukaze & Yunoa nationwide in-store event schedule
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Somewhere in Miyagi Prefecture

Sunday, June 30, 2024
Somewhere in Hokkaido

Saturday, July 6, 2024
Somewhere in Osaka Prefecture

Sunday, July 7, 2024
Somewhere in Aichi Prefecture

*Details will be announced later on the official website

NAQT VANE Special Event – Dispersion –
03. Loopers
04. Vanilla Days
05. Odd One Out * Nippon TV Saturday drama “Dr. Chocolate” insert song
06. NIGHTINGALE * Theme song for the movie “Soku Utau no Onna”
07. puzzle
08. Break Free * Nippon TV Friday drama DEEP “Unerasable “Washi” – Chain of Revenge –” theme song
09. CHRONIC *Midnight drama “My husband is – that girl’s lover” OP theme
11. TOUCH *MBS Drama Special Zone “Koi to Dandan” Ending Theme Song
12. VANE * 37th East Japan Women’s Ekiden Tournament Cheer Song
14. Rust * Nippon TV Friday drama DEEP “Unerasable “I” – Chain of Revenge” insert song
15. Beautiful Mess (with Yunoa) *ASICS “Recommendation, Self. – Cheers to Everyone – Edition” theme song
16. NOWVERSE (with Yunoa)
17. Unveil

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