Sonoma Matsuo, 14 years old, appears on the cover of Nicola for the first time! “I’ll do my best to spread happiness while having fun myself”

Model Sonoma Matsuo graces the cover of the teen fashion magazine “nicola” for the first time alone in its combined July/August issue, which went on sale on May 31st.
Matsuo debuted as an exclusive model in the October 2023 issue, and this is his first solo cover appearance in nine months.

She graced the cover with her characteristic happy smile in full force, and fans sent in joyful comments such as, “I’m so happy to see Sonoma on the cover for the first time! And it’s a solo cover, too!!” and “Thank you so much for putting Sonoma on the cover, she’s so cute, I’ll definitely get it!”

Matsuo is currently expanding his field of activity, serving as the 13th image model for “repipi armario” and appearing on television shows such as Nippon Television’s “Cho Muteki Class” and NHK’s “Tensai Terebikun.”

A reel post she posted on her Instagram in February of this year of pouring raclette cheese over a steak has been viewed over 17 million times, and with over 80,000 followers on social media, she is expected to become a representative model of Gen Z.

When asked how she felt when it was decided that she would be on the cover alone, Matsuo revealed her feelings of gratitude, saying, “When I heard that I would be on the cover alone, I was so surprised that I wondered if it was a prank. (Laughs) I wondered whether it was really okay for me to be on the cover, when it hadn’t even been a year since I became a Nicomo, but I was so grateful and happy that tears came to my eyes.”

Regarding her future goals, Matsuo commented, “As a model, I would like to improve myself both inside and out, learn more about how to present myself and my expressiveness, and broaden my horizons so that I can be on the cover alone again next time. I also want to be the kind of person who can get excited about different things every day! And I would like to work hard so that I have more opportunities to meet the people who support me!”

Finally, she also released a message to her fans: “Thank you for your continued support.
“I will continue to work hard to show various expressions and happiness, while having fun, so I would be happy if you would continue to support me. Thank you!” she said enthusiastically.

Cover photo credit/Photo/Ogawa Ken Stylist/Ogasawara Hiroko Hair&Make/Konomi(Lila)

Sonoma Matsuo
Born on May 26, 2010. Resides in Osaka Prefecture.
Currently appearing on NHK’s “Tensai Terebikun” as a TV warrior (2020 to present).
Exclusive model for Nicola.
Repipi Armario 13th generation image model


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