[GENERATIONS]Encouraging athletes at the Paris Olympic Gymnastics selection event!The latest song “Endless Journey” is also available for distribution

GENERATIONS’ latest song, “Endless Journey,” a song to support Japan’s gymnastics, was released on May 18th.

Three people from GENERATIONS, who have been appointed as Gymnastics Nippon support ambassadors, are Ryota Katayose, Jun Komori, and Yuta Nakatsuka.
On May 18th and 19th, they came to support the athletes at the “63rd NHK Cup Gymnastics Paris Olympics 2024 National Selection Tournament” held at Takasaki Arena in Gunma.

At the representative announcement ceremony, they said, “I think it’s been a tough road so far. There will be many more tough times ahead, but please believe in the path you’ve been on and do your best.” and “I look forward to your continued success in the remaining stages.” I’m doing it,” he said with a cheer.
Additionally, a promotional video created using the venue’s BGM, footage of gymnasts practicing, qualifying sessions, etc. was aired early, and the music livened up the venue.

“Endless Journey,” a song to support Japan’s gymnastics team, is a song aimed at all the gymnasts participating in the competition, and contains the GENERATIONS members’ desire to double their motivation for gymnastics and the joy of competing. There is.

What will he look like at the Paris Olympics in July?
I can’t take my eyes off their journey as they continue.

2024.05.18 Digital Release
“Endless Journey”


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