Akane Takayanagi challenges the hot-spicy food queen “Ami Suzuki” to a battle for the new hot-spicy food queen! “Ami and Churichan’s collaboration is irresistible”[NipponTV”Zokuzoku~Zokuzoku~”

Singer and talent Suzuki Ami appeared on the special program “Zokuzoku~Zokuzoku~” broadcast on Nippon Television on the 2nd, where she won the mission “Zokuzoku One Spoon,” in which she had to eat a series of extremely spicy dishes.
Also on the same program, Takayanagi Akane performed like a dark horse, coming in second place despite just missing out on Suzuki.

The show is a get-rich-quick game variety show that is thrilling for both participants and viewers, as the prize money rises sky-high if you keep completing missions that anyone can do, and features more than 30 celebrities in total.
The first episode aired last week, and included missions such as “Continuous Boxes,” in which participants had to carry an endless pile of boxes without knocking them over, and “Continuous Shutter,” in which participants had to push others aside to remain on camera.

This time, Suzuki and Takayanagi took on the mission “One Spoon After Another,” in which they had to eat a succession of extremely spicy dishes.
With the cooperation of the famous authentic Sichuan restaurant “Chinjia Private Cuisine,” dishes that get spicier in stages are prepared one spoon at a time, such as a spicy stir-fried fried chicken with plenty of chili peppers, Sichuan shrimp chili, and super hot and piping hot stone-grilled mapo tofu. The more you eat with each spoonful, the higher the prize money will be, but many challengers are so hot that they sweat like a waterfall and even shed tears.

In addition to Suzuki and Takayanagi, other celebrities who love extremely spicy food participated, including Abareru-kun, Miyachika Kaito from Travis Japan, Fujita Nicole, and Pekopa.

Takayanagi was the first to make a splash in this corner.
Takayanagi overcomes one spiciness after another that Shupeiya from Pekopa and Miyachika from Travis Japan could not overcome. He even gobbles down the level 7 “Clay Pot Mala Fragrant Stewed Motu” in one bite. Despite the menacing spiciness, he says with a relaxed expression, “It’s delicious!”
The announcer commented, “Takayanagi is pouring it in!!” and the other cast members were astonished by the challenge. Miyachika of Trevis Japan was unable to hide his surprise at Takayanagi’s eating, saying, “Wow, that’s amazing!” with his eyes wide open.
Takayanagi had to give up at level 13, but managed to clear level 12, “Spicy Knife-Cut Noodles with 2 Spoons of Chili Pepper.” He took the lead with a record of 250,000 yen.

The one who surpassed Takayanagi’s good record was Suzuki Ami, the top contender for the championship and also known as the entertainment industry’s strongest queen of spicy food.
Even when trying the extremely spicy dishes that the other challengers had struggled with, he remained cool and said, “It’s not spicy. It’s delicious!”, showing his incredible strength and continuing to eat.
With a smile on his face, he matched Takayanagi’s record, and Takayanagi expressed regret, “I got as far as 12!!”
After clearing level 13, “Spicy Knife-Cut Noodles with 4 Spoons of Chili Peppers,” which set a new record, he finally reached level 16, “Spicy Knife-Cut Noodles with 10 Spoons of Chili Peppers,” which involves a spoonful of chili peppers, and won 290,000 yen.

Suzuki’s victory, which showed his overwhelming strength, was met with surprise and applause from the other challengers.

After the broadcast, Suzuki posted a photo on her official Instagram of herself smiling and standing next to Takayanagi, who won first and second place, with the caption, “Thank you so much, it’s thrilling! It was delicious! With Takayanagi Akane.”

Takayanagi also posted on her official website, “We made it to level 12! It was spicy but delicious! At the end we were super full so it was a battle to see if we could finish it all, but Suzuki Ami seemed to be able to handle both the spiciness and the amount of food with ease, like a queen…I think I could handle even more spiciness, so I’d like to take on the challenge again! I’m looking forward to working on some super spicy food!!” and looked back on the fierce battle.

The duo’s performance has been met with numerous comments of praise, such as, “Amigo and Churichan’s collaboration is amazing,” “Akenochan was amazing, but Amichan was the only one who had a normal meal!” and “Amigo is amazing as expected…Churichan is amazing too, but that’s pretty much it (lol).”

This program is currently available for catch-up streaming on Tver.

■ Program title: “Continuous ~ Thrilling ~”
■Tver Program URL:https://tver.jp/series/sryo3py4iu

︎ Suzuki Ami’s YouTube channel “Suzuki Ami’s Amigo TV”:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEz1INla1F6KTUchuBEJPRg
︎Ami Suzuki Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/amiamisuzuki/?hl=ja
Suzuki AmiX:https://twitter.com/amiami5729

︎Akane Takayanagi Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/akane_o8o/?hl=ja
Akane Takayanagi X:https://x.com/akane29_o8o

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