[15 Girls]The latest novel is out. Mephisto Award-winning author Takumi Mochizuki depicts “the expressions that could only be changed and the contradictions that cannot be changed between the girls who vowed to be together forever.”

“15 Girls” is a media mix project that has attracted attention for its cyberpunk worldview, dystopian musicality, and sharp juvenile novel that captures the modern era.

This is a music x story project that shares the “immature, youthful despair” that everyone feels during their impressionable years, through the stories of 15 virtual girls living in the fictional regional industrial town of “Kagutsuchi City,” who sacrifice their future to live in the present, or sacrifice the present in exchange for the future.

Today, Kodansha released the latest installment of the novel being serialized in “tree,” along with a promotional video.

Prequel novel “The Case of Tatsumi Aqua and Misa Meme”:

promotion video:

The author is Mochizuki Takumi, who won the 54th Mephisto Award for “How to Save the Girl Who Loses Her Memory Every Year.”

Up until now, there have been works that candidly depict the various pains that are mercilessly thrust upon the teenage protagonists, such as bullying, suicide, and neglect, but this 10th work is a mystery that begins when one of the 15 girls, Tatsumi Aqua, goes missing after saying that she is taking a (possibly fake) adult bus, and leads to the truth behind a series of disappearances that are also occurring around another 15-year-old girl, Misa Meme, a high school student who is an entrepreneur who has amassed a large fortune. The story also depicts the “individual decisions” made by the two girls and their childhood friends, Sarukai Saki and Itachi Rin, regarding the friendships that are on the verge of breaking because of their beliefs.

Audio dramas based on the novels are also released every Monday and Thursday, and are attracting attention for the participation of a star-studded cast of voice actors, including 15 voice actors: Hihara Ayumi (as Ida Chirin), Fujidera Mitsunori (as Akiko Emi), Suzuki Anna (as Akiko Nami), Yano Hinaki (as Ushibayashi Uta), Sato Hinata (as Taketora Leona), Hoshi Nozomi Kanade (as Uzuki Shisui), Ogura Miyaka (as Tatsumi Aqua), Tomita Miyu (as Misa Meme), Maeda Kaori (as Babazono Kako), Kido Ibuki (as Mimori Erika), Kinosaki Rinko (as Sarukai Saki), Serizawa Yu (as Shiratori Alice), Kogaya Kaede (as Inui Loveli), Machico (as Ino Ann), and Yamada Marina (as Nekoyama Shion), as well as Mizuno Saku (as Gray), Yanagisawa Yoshine (as Reiko), and Totani Kikunosuke (as the adult bus driver / Hayabusa).

Listen to the movie “SILENTHATED”:

In addition, each episode in the prequel novel series has a theme song sung by the Fifteen Girls themselves, and the song assigned to this work is “Eureka.”

The word “Eureka” is an ancient Greek exclamation with the nuance of “Finally, I’ve found it!” In the vast space that contains the still-expanding universe, in a multi-layered world like a matryoshka doll that continues on forever, all we tiny people can realize is that we “don’t understand”… This is the music that expresses the recklessness of adolescence, which chooses “longing” instead of “giving up” = “the youthful, sad feeling that we lose as we become adults.”

As for music, the vocal CV is “mzsrz”, and four digital EPs are available, three of which have been compiled into an album CD that includes audio dramas and new songs. The story and music are gradually but deeply synchronizing as the previously unknown “reason why they sing” is revealed.

The songs that 15 Girls sing about are not grandiose messages or ideal love. They are about small, everyday matters that are very close to people’s hearts, such as the “indescribable anxiety” and “unresponsive frustration” that people living in a diverse and sensitive era feel.


[Prequel novel]

Find your favorite stories on the website “tree”
A prequel novel to Fifteen Girls / Free online serialization


The city and the song. Reality and fiction. The world and you.
The night before the 15-year-old girl boards the adult bus.

Written by: Marui Iwai / “Louvre” and “King Leo” series
Takumi Mochizuki / “How to Save the Girl Who Loses Her Memory Every Year” Winner of the 54th Mephisto Award

Part 1 & 2: Is what lies opposite the ordinary special/exceptional? “The Case of Taketora Leona”
Part 3 & 4: On that day, I learned pain in order to overcome it. “The Case of Saki Sarukai”
Part 5 & 6: This is the best way of life that two people can choose now. “The Case of Akiko Emi and Akiko Nami”
Volumes 7 & 8: Refusing to adapt so as not to become an adult – “The case of Ida Chirin”
Part 9: The reason for living of a girl who is not promised tomorrow “The case of Shiratori Alice”

Promotional Video Collection:


[Song Information]

2nd EP “ASTRONOTES” (Prequel novel theme song collection)


SILENT’s songs are sung by guest vocalist
“Shiki Ayase (CYNHN)” “Tomori Kusunoki” “Aquarium”
“Sugawara Kei,” “Setsuko (Kuuhaku Gokko),” and “Fairouz Ai” will be singing again.

1st EP “HATED”
Non-stop Mix:https://youtu.be/Rt14lCWBbOA
︎Cover song “Nonbliss Oblige (original by PinocchioP)”
Music video:https://youtu.be/iNcIR-KxN_U

2-disc CD album “SILENTHATED”
Purchase link:https://15shoujo.lnk.to/0322AL-0505LIVE
Pilot song “Kiminoil World Line feat. another anima”
Music video:https://youtu.be/QIeBX3NqNNM


[15th Girl / PROFILE]

Only children believe there is a moment when they become adults.

The fifteen girls live in another world that is very similar to this one. In order to become an adult in that world, they must board an adult bus bound for Children’s City. Finally, the bus that will pick up the protagonist arrives. It seems that fifteen girls from the rundown provincial city of Kagutsuchi have been chosen to be passengers.

The reason why they are singing in this world has not yet been revealed, but as music artists, the contrast between their deep musicality, which is far removed from their name “Girls,” and the decadent lyrics spun by their clear voices has attracted the attention of discerning listeners. They speak for “someone’s case” that certainly exists in a world similar to this world, on a timeline that should not exist.

Social Media:https://15shoujo.lnk.to/whoarethem
Official Website:https://15sj.xyz/

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