[Avex ROYALBRATS]Appearing at the Giants game at Tokyo Dome! Limited-time collaboration goods on sale!

Avex ROYALBRATS, who appear in the professional dance league D.LEAGUE, and their development team aRB SEED will perform at the “TOKYO Series” between the Yomiuri Giants and the Tokyo Yakult Swallows, to be held at Tokyo Dome on Sunday, June 23, 2024.

[Event Summary]
Date and time: Sunday, June 23, 2024 *Game starts at 2:00 p.m.
Location: Tokyo Dome
Event: “TOKYO Series” Giants vs. Yakult

On the day, they will perform an original baseball-themed performance at the “JUKEBOX TOKYO” event, where the stadium will be darkened after the bottom of the 5th inning. In addition, they will cheer on the Giants from the field during “Toukon Komete” at the top of the 7th inning, livening up the venue.

[Sales of collaboration goods]
Baseball balls, towels, and acrylic key chains will be on sale for a limited time as collaboration goods between the Giants and Avex ROYALBRATS. These goods can be purchased on the EC site and at the stadium shop.
E-commerce site:https://store.giants.jp/ja/

【Product list】
■TOKYO Series
・T-shirts *Available in sizes M to XL, 4,500 yen each
・Tote bag 3,000 yen
・Face towel 2,400 yen
・A3 waterproof poster 1,000 yen
・Die-cut acrylic keychain 900 yen
・T-shirt shaped acrylic keychain 900 yen
・Die-cut stickers (set of 2) 700 yen

■”Avex ROYALBRATS” collaboration goods
・Logo ball set (with stand and case) 3,000 yen
・Player’s face towel (glitter orange x black) 2,500 yen
・Acrylic key holder: 880 yen

All prices include 10% consumption tax.

[Comment from Avex ROYALBRATS]
“We are Avex ROYALBRATS! Thank you very much for giving us this valuable opportunity! We will perform with all our might to create an excitement on par with that of a match, so we hope you enjoy it! We will give you all the energy you need to make this the best day ever! Thank you!”

[About avex ROYALBRATS]
Yuta Nakamura’s goal was not only to win the league, but also to gather together members who were full of individuality and love and who he wanted to spend his life with through D.LEAGUE.
Although each member works in a different dance genre and field, they have come to recognise each other’s strengths and weaknesses through this league, and have developed a bond that allows them to use everything as a weapon, forming a team full of humanity and love.

Yuta Nakamura’s greatest weapons are his high level of creativity and dancing.
Furthermore, the chemical reaction that occurs when the individual personalities of each member mix together.
The greatest appeal of Avex ROYALBRATS is their expressiveness in conveying a wide range of emotions and sensations, and the quality of their work that brings these out.


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