[Naoki Takeshi]Recalls the fight scene with Ban Nakamura: “It was terrifying”[100 Seconds of Fist – Battle Royale]

Actor Takeshi Naoki appeared on stage to commemorate the release of “100 Second Fist King – Fighting Battle Royale” on the 7th in Tokyo.

This work, with the full cooperation of “Battle Royale” hosted by Ban Nakamura, is based on the theme of amateur “fights” that are becoming popular mainly on YouTube, and depicts the protagonist, Takashi Washida, who steps into the ring to become the “Kenoh”. This time, Takeko plays the current Kenoh, Kotaro Matsumoto, known as Mr. Perfect.

Takeko took to the stage in a black suit and greeted the audience with a smile, saying, “I’m excited to meet all the cast members today for the first time in about a year. I’m looking forward to having fun today!”

When asked about their favorite scenes in the film, Takeko said, “The fighting scenes are the main focus, so it would have to be the fight scenes. I was really conscious of how the action would look visually.” She then added with a wry smile, “When I did the action scene with (BISON Ushiyama) Ban-san, it was really scary, or rather, the fear was incredible,” which caused the audience to erupt in laughter.

Takeko also revealed an episode from filming an action scene where she was surprised by Nakamura Ban’s action, saying, “He hit me perfectly, but it was like he peeled it off so nicely. It didn’t hurt. There was a sound and it was hitting me properly, and when you watch the footage it looked like it was in there, but he kicked in a way that didn’t hurt.”

However, it seems he was unable to shake off his fear, as he said with a smile, “Anyway, the way Mr. Ban charged in from the front was so scary, I really thought it was Mr. Ban. (Laughs) I felt that it was a really valuable experience to be able to experience both the reality of a battle and the feelings I get from acting as an actor at the same time.”

In addition to Takeko, the main cast members Seki Tetsuta, Ban Nakamura, Ando Yuya, Hayashi Yusuke, Osawa Toshimitsu, Inoue Kaito, Shibusawa Katsuzuki, and director Chimura Toshimitsu appeared on stage to greet the audience, who were packed to the theatre.

“100 Second Fist King – Fighting Battle Royale” is currently showing at Cinemart Shinjuku and other theaters nationwide.

(c)2024 “100 Seconds of Fist – Battle Royale” Film Production Committee

・Title: 100 Second Fist King -Battle Royale-
Release date: Friday, September 6, 2024 at Cinemart Shinjuku and other theaters nationwide
Distribution: S.D.P.
・Official website:https://kenkabattle-movie.com/


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