[DJ KOO]Moved by the surprise “rented Toden Arakawa Line carriage” proposed by fans: “I felt so much love and it was the best DO DANCE!!”

A surprise birthday party organized by DJ KOO’s fans will be held on the 11th.
Fans rented out a Toden Arakawa Line carriage and gave KOO a surprise in the “DJ KOO van” decorated with hand-made decorations.

About 10 fans gathered in front of the Arakawa Depot, preparing nervously as they made their way to the party. They had come from far away, including Nagoya and Osaka, to take part in the party.
“Originally, we were talking among ourselves about how it would be fun to run the DJ KOO car,” he said, and it seemed that he had initially thought of it as an endeavor between fans,
“I really wanted KOO to ride it while it was still possible. It’s already been a month since KOO’s birthday (August 8th), so I never thought it would actually happen. I’m really nervous,” said a fan, appearing uneasy.

A photo of KOO’s artist was displayed at the front of the train, and the interior was decorated with glamorous items such as mirror balls, completing the preparations.
Fans put on KOO-style sunglasses, and KOO finally boarded the train at Sakaemachi Station.

KOO, who had been told that this was a TV program filming, looked surprised and said, “Eh! What is this!?”
Fans congratulated him, saying, “Happy birthday, KOO!!” and presented him with a birthday cake made from bread, KOO’s favorite food.
KOO burst into joy, saying, “I really had no idea! That’s amazing! Thank you!!”

Afterwards, a surprise birthday party was held while traveling on the Toden Arakawa Line for about an hour.
There will be a quiz corner, a comedy corner, and a question corner that feature TRF and DJ KOO ideas that fans themselves have come up with.
In addition, KOO performed live the debut song “NARIYAMA NIGHT” of the J-RAP unit “BOC (SAM & DJ KOO)” with SAM, which was first performed at a-nation on the 1st. Furthermore, NASUMI, a comedian who impersonates KOO, appeared as a guest and performed an impersonation in front of KOO himself, and the party proceeded in a warm atmosphere from start to finish.
When the vehicle returns to its final destination, Arakawa Depot, a commemorative photo is taken in front of the vehicle, and the journey ends.

KOO expressed his gratitude to his fans many times, saying, “I was truly moved today! Thank you. Actually, today, September 11th, is the day I had surgery for a brain aneurysm in 2017. Every year on this day, I remind myself that I have been reborn, so I have to live each day to the fullest. This year, it has become an even more important day to me. Thank you so much.”

Tears welled up in the eyes of the fans, and they shouted, “Stay healthy and do your best. We’ll support you forever!”, bringing the wonderful surprise party to a close for both KOO and his fans.

When we spoke to DJ KOO after the event, he said, still excited, “I’m truly moved. I really think I should create an opportunity for me to express my gratitude, but I felt so much love and it was the best DO DANCE!!”
KOO continued, “I’m really glad that I’ve continued as a DJ and with TRF for many years, and then I was able to debut as BOC. I would like to continue to give 200% to meet everyone’s expectations, and I want to be fully prepared both mentally and physically for that day so that I can make everyone happy.”

Even at the age of 63, DJ KOO’s performance is only getting stronger, and expectations are rising for his continued success.

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