[Challenging to revolutionize the music industry]BMSG Co., Ltd. is looking to further growth and has begun recruiting for 10 positions, including CxO, overseas business manager, and artist manager.

An interview with Representative Director and CEO SKY-HI has been published on the job-hunting website BizReach.

BMSG Inc. (CEO: SKY-HI) aims to bring about further innovation by promoting “HEALTHY & HONESTY” (high morals, healthy and sincere to all stakeholders) as its management policy and “TYOISM”, a unique Japanese music culture. This time, we are looking for talented business people from all industries to join us, and have started recruiting for a total of 10 positions, including CxO, overseas business manager, and artist manager.

[Interview]Utilizing talent to revolutionize the industry. The future of the music industry as envisioned by BMSG


BMSG Corporation is“To not kill talent.”It is a startup company founded in 2020 by SKY-HI, an artist himself, with the mission of fundamentally updating the Japanese music industry and developing a sustainable music business globally.

We are engaged in a wide range of business activities with music at our core, including planning and producing auditions such as “THE FIRST,” “MISSIONx2,” and “No No Girls,” the “DUNK-DANCE UNIVERSE NEVER KILLED-” project in which numerous dance and vocal groups cross boundaries to broadcast from Japan to the world, and running the online salon “B-Town.”

Now in its fifth term, the group now has 23 artists and the organization has grown to over 50 people.

In anticipation of further business growth in the future, we are looking for a CxO who agrees with the following initiatives and can work together with us. Industry experience is not required, and we will hire you for an appropriate position by adjusting what we can both do based on your abilities and experience.

1. Building a sustainable business model:

– Moving away from the CD sales model and promoting digitalization and streaming services

– Develop commercially sustainable and environmentally conscious products

2. Outlook for the global market:

– Strengthening the dissemination and international promotion of “TYOISM”

– Promoting multilingual support and cultural exchange to overcome language and cultural barriers

– Developing and negotiating with overseas business partners

3. Creating opportunities for industry-wide collaboration:

– Promoting projects that will have an impact both within and outside the industry by involving external partners

4. Building new relationships between artists and fans:

– Developing a fan-participation business model through crowdfunding etc.

– Promote direct engagement with fans and build community

5. Utilizing data and technology-driven marketing infrastructure:

– Marketing and new business development using data analysis and AI

– Developing new ways of expression, such as online live performances and virtual reality

6. Supporting and nurturing emerging artists:

– Discovering and nurturing talented artists (e.g. girl group audition “No No Girls”)

– Supporting artists to create an environment that allows them to perform high-quality work (e.g., music production environment, support for building PR and fan club systems)

7. Developing a creative-first branding approach:

– Branding based on creative ideas that are characteristic of BMSG

8. Strengthening organizational integrity and transparency:

– Building an organizational culture and systems based on the management policy “HEALTHY & HONESTY”

We welcome applications from professionals who can develop and execute impactful strategies in the ever-evolving music market.

■10 job types currently available on BizReach

・CxO position recruitment[music industry experience not required]

・Artist manager[music industry experience not required]

・Overseas business manager

・BizDev (Advertising/Business Development)

・A&R (Artists and Repertoire)


・FC (fan club) management

・SNS content production manager

・MD (product planning and goods production)

・CS (Customer Service)

If you are interested in BMSG’s initiatives, please also watch this video.

Based in Tokyo, heading to the global music market.[2024 BMSG CEO PRESENTATION]


Less Waste, More Music[From Proposal to Realization]


■BMSG Recruitment Information

Recruitment Website:https://bmsg.tokyo/recruit/

Job listings:https://herp.careers/v1/bmsg

■Company Profile

“To not kill talent.”

BMSG Co., Ltd. is a startup company that aims to fundamentally update the Japanese music industry and develop a sustainable music business globally. SKY-HI, who is also active as an artist such as a rapper, track maker, and producer, started his own company in 2020. In addition to being a music agency/label, the company develops a wide range of businesses centered on music, such as planning and producing auditions (“THE FIRST”, “MISSIONx2”, “No No Girls”), the project “DUNK-DANCE UNIVERSE NEVER KILLED-” in which numerous dance and vocal groups cross boundaries to broadcast from Japan to the world, and running the online salon “B-Town”. The company also works on the SDGs, such as exploring new mechanisms to replace the traditional CD business and reducing the amount of plastic used in CD manufacturing.

Company name: BMSG Corporation

Representative: Representative Director and CEO SKY-HI

Established: September 2020

Business Description:

・Artist management

・Artist production (music production/promotion)

・Planning and managing live events, etc.

・Fan club/online salon planning/management

・Planning and sales of goods, apparel, etc.


Official Website:https://bmsg.tokyo/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bmsg_official/


X global:https://twitter.com/BMSG_global

YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/c/BMSG_official

■ Inquiries regarding this matter

BMSG Corporation Public Relations Department

Email address: info@bmsg.co.jp

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