Albem releases remix single “come find me. (Remix)” featuring MON/KU and Nao Sakara

Albem released the remix single “come find me. (Remix)” today, Friday, August 2nd.

Albem is an electronic/rock band consisting of nozakimugai (vocals, sound engineer), Miyazaki Shuhei (guitar, sampler), Sato Yuki (bass, synth), and Furusawa Sei (drums, programming). They create conceptual music using virtual but organic sound images, melodic but expressionless vocals, and strong but fluid grooves. They also irregularly organize cross-genre events such as bands, DJs, beat shows, and art.

This work includes the original version of “come find me.” from the album “continue?” released last December, as well as a remix of the same song by MON/KU and Nao Sakara. The original, based on a darkroom sound derived from post-dubstep, has been boldly reinterpreted by MON/KU and Nao Sakara, bringing out the multifaceted nature of the song, sometimes as a fantastical and grandiose soundscape, and sometimes as a calm and nostalgic flow.

[Comment from nozakimugai (Albem)]

We unconsciously suppress our own inner voice. Attributes and classifications given from the outside become walls, rooms that trap our screaming hearts. Eventually, the voice turns into indistinguishable noise. In this song, I aimed to express such an aspect of myself in an honest way. And I intended to somehow break down that wall and encounter my own voice again.
This song itself has a “wall” due to the constraint that I am the one who wrote the lyrics and composed the music. I asked MON/KU and Nao Sakara, who have unique musical talents, to remix it, as they were the ones who could break down that wall and shine a new light on it. Both of them vividly showed me different possibilities that the song has, and listening to them made me feel like my perspective on this song was changing, which was a very happy experience.

[MON/KU Comment]

When I first heard this song, I felt it was a mysterious piece that seemed to coexist with the stuffiness of a confined space reminiscent of a sterile room, yet at the same time the depth and vastness of the inner universe.
I later heard from him that he created it by imagining the scenery of a room, but I personally interpret this “room” to represent the heart.
I think that the word “kokoro” in the lyrics “kokoro no yano nakono” (this heart is like a sediment) has a double meaning with “cage” and that the things that I keep accumulating like sediment in the room called my heart in my daily life have become a cage that imprisons me. If this is a song about life that cannot escape such suffering,
I created this piece while imagining what sounds might be ringing in that room, in that heart. I hope you will listen to it.

[Comment from Naoyuki Sagara]

This time I rearranged Album’s song “come find me.”
I was asked to create the piece with a “room” in mind, and it was my first time creating a piece with that kind of awareness, so rather than thinking about how to fill the gaps in a large room/space, it was difficult, but I noticed a lot of things while being conscious of that, and the time I spent creating the piece was very meaningful and enjoyable. I hope you’ll listen to it!

【release information】

Albem, MON/KU, Nao Sagara “come find me. (Remix)”

Release Date:2024.08.02 (Fri.)
Label: Album
1. come find me.
2. come find me. – Nao Sagara Remix
3. come find me. – MON/KU Remix

Song & Lyrics: nozakimugai (Albem)
Performed by: Album
Remix: MON/KU, Naoya Sagara
Mixing, Mastering: nozakimugai (Albem), MON/KU, Nao Sagara
Artwork Design: Album

Streaming link

■Albem:X (Twitter) / Instagram

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