MALA, one of the most important figures in the dubstep world, will be coming to Japan to perform at GOTH-TRAD’s “BACK TO CHILL”

Dubstep originator MALA will be appearing at “BACK TO CHILL 18th Anniversary”, which will be held at Higashimaya Spotify O-EAST in Shibuya, Tokyo on Sunday, September 22nd (the day before a public holiday).

Photo by Zack Matthews

The party, which started in 2006 and takes its name from the title of its own song, “Back To Chill,” which was how organizer GOTH-TRAD connected with the UK dubstep scene, became a hot topic as Japan’s first regular dubstep party, garnering attention not only from domestic heads but also from bass music fans overseas.

For the past few years, “Back To Chill” (hereinafter referred to as BTC) has been held on the first Thursday of every other month at Shibuya ENTER, but this year’s anniversary will be held at Spotify O-EAST & Higashimaya = MIDNIGHT EAST, featuring MALA, a close friend of GOTH-TRAD, coming to Japan for the first time in six years.


MALA, a founding member of DMZ, one of the most important crews in the UK dubstep scene, founded his own label Deep Medi Musik in 2006, the same year BTC was launched, and has since released works by many of bass music’s most representative artists, including Skream, Swindle, Calibre, Kahn, and GOTH-TRAD.

To celebrate the 18th anniversary of BTC, MALA will appear on the main floor, as well as DJ KRUSH, a pioneer of the Japanese hip-hop scene with over 30 years of experience. He will play a bass set on this day. In addition, rising star SAMO from the Osaka-based dance music collective FULLHOUSE will perform a B2B set by BTC regulars HELKTRAM and MØNDAIGA, and mastermind GOTH-TRAD will perform a live set. Of course, visuals will be handled by DBKN, who has been participating as a VJ since the party’s early days.

The lineup for Higashimaya will include CYBERHACKSYSTEM, another name of Rave Racers’ GUCCIMAZE, EVE, co-organizer of VIXLATIXN and TRAPEZE, Teishoku organizer Medical, a B2B set by BTC members MEME and yuitty, 100mado, a resident since the founding of BTC, and fellow regular CITY1.

In addition, a special collaboration with the apparel brand NISHIMOTO IS THE MOUTH will be realized. T-shirts will be sold in two colors, white and black (sold exclusively at the venue).

[Comment from Katsutoshi Nishimoto (NISHIMOTO IS THE MOUTH)]

I met GOTH when I was 23 or 24 years old, and he is someone I respect greatly as a musician, DJ, and person.

Also, since BTC, which I attended, was celebrating its 18th anniversary, I was asked to design a commemorative T-shirt, so I put all my effort into designing this T-shirt.

Congratulations on the 18th anniversary to BTC and GOTH, who have had a huge influence on who I am today!


I will continue to grow along with BTC!!


[Event Information]

“MALA in Japan feat BACK TO CHILL 18th Anniversary”
September 22, 2024 (Sunday, before holidays) OPEN & START 23:00
Venue: MIDNIGHT EAST, Shibuya, Tokyo (Spotify O-EAST ⇄ Azumaya)
DOOR ¥5,000 / EARLY BIRD ¥3,000* ADV. ¥4,000
BEFORE 12PM, UNDER23 ¥3,000

(Spotify O-EAST)

MEME B2B yuitty


*EARLY BIRD: Limited to 300 copies, on sale until August 16th (Friday)

General release (ZAIKO):~August 8th (Thursday) 18:00? ? ? ~

*We will not allow entry to those under the age of 20 or those who do not have photo ID. Please be sure to bring photo ID when you come to the venue. Please note that we will not allow entry to those wearing sandals. Thank you for your understanding.

Performance details

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