Sincere holds his first solo concert and announces the release of his 4th EP with the same title

It has been announced that SSW’s Sincere will hold his first solo concert at SPACE ODD in Daikanyama, Tokyo on Thursday, November 28th.

Sincere has been active for about three years since their debut in 2021, but this one-man live performance, which will be held as a culmination of their activities so far, will feature a stage performance with a full band set. This will be a special set that you rarely see at Sincere’s regular live shows, so don’t miss it.

In addition, the release of the 4th EP “Better Weather” with the title of the concert will be announced in October before the concert. The songs included will be “Good Girl”, “dawn”, and “Can’t stop” released in 2024, plus three newly recorded songs, for a total of six songs. Further details will be announced at a later date, so please wait for further information.

[Event Information]

“Better Weather ~ Sincere 1st Solo Live ~”
Date and time: Thursday, November 28, 2024 OPEN 18:00 / START 19:00
Venue: SPACE ODD, Daikanyama, Tokyo
Price: Fastest ¥4,000 / General ¥4,300 / Same-day ¥4,500

Sincere (Vo.)
Sho Asano (Key., MNP.)
Yusuke Goto (Gt.)
Shota Oyama (Ba.)
Masato Aono (Dr.)

Fastest advance (e+/first come, first served): ~ October 11th (Friday) 16:00

For inquiries, please contact Kyodo Tokyo at 0570-550-799.
Operator reception hours (Weekdays 11:00-18:00 / Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 10:00-18:00)

*Each person can purchase up to four tickets.
*This is an all standing event.
*Entry will be in the order of ticket numbers.
*Ticket issuing fees and other charges will be charged separately.
*Preschool children (ages 3 and under) are not allowed to enter. Children ages 4 and over require a ticket for admission.
*An additional drink fee will be charged per person.
*Unless the performance is canceled, tickets will not be refunded due to poor physical condition or infection by COVID-19. When purchasing tickets, please consider your own physical condition and environment.
*If you require a wheelchair, please contact Kyodo Tokyo by phone.
*If you lose your ticket or forget to bring it with you on the day, you will not be able to enter under any circumstances unless you have your ticket.

■Sincere:X (Twitter) / Instagram

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