xiangyu releases new song “Lasichi no Pizza” incorporating Baltimore Breaks today

xiangyu released their new single “Lasichi no Pizza” today, May 1st (Wednesday).

Up until now, xiangyu has put a unique perspective into his songs, including songs that have lost items as their theme and songs that he came up with after bumping elbows. This song focuses on pizza, which is a staple food that is always left over at welcome parties and large dinner parties during the back-to-school season. Pay attention to the unique lyric theme, which is based on the theme of “Enryo no Katamari,” which refers to the one piece of food left at the end of a large plate of food as a result of people holding back from each other.

Also, Gimgigam is in charge of sound production for this work. The result is a song based on Baltimore breaks and breakbeats. He is a contemporary artist who creates innovative works in the world, such as using tape to write letters on buildings, under bridges, walls, etc., and he has previously interacted with him at a talk event for his solo exhibition “A Strike of the Soul”. The piece is a combination of text written by Koichi Mitsuoka and a photograph taken when there was a group of shy people at a certain restaurant.

[xiangyu comment]

Have you ever heard of “a group of shy people”?
It refers to the one piece of food that is left untouched at a drinking party or something, but I didn’t know there was a name for that phenomenon.
The other day, there were two people sitting in front of me at Saize.The moment one of them stood on the toilet, the other one was like, “I’ve been waiting!” and was munching on the leftover bread and fries. I realized that there are many different ways to deal with “clumps” when they occur. By the way, I’m the type of person who completely changes my response depending on the members. Honestly, I always want to say, “I’ll take the last one!”

【release information

xiangyu “Lasuichi’s Pizza”

Release Date:2024.05.01 (Wed.)
1. Lasichi’s Pizza

Delivery link

【event information】

“Monju Release Party”

Date and time: Friday, May 31, 2024 OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
Venue: Shimokitazawa Spread, Tokyo
Price: ADV. ¥3,500 / DOOR. ¥4,000
tennis coats

Ticket details (LivePocket)

■xiangyu:X (Twitter) / Instagram

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