“SYNCRONIZED” featuring Italian DJs Andrewww, Dos Monos, Joe Cupertino, etc.

A new live & DJ event “SYNCRONIZED” has started. The first event will be held on May 17th (Friday) at Shinjuku SPACE in Tokyo.

This time, a total of seven artists are lined up to explore the possibilities of the dance floor, focusing on self-liberating/experimental live acts. For the live act, we have invited 2 groups, aka NGS, who is also known as a member of Dos Monos, and Joe Cupertino, who is known for his ever-changing style. As a DJ, Andrewww, who is the organizer of the bass music party “paradise technique” which is popular in Italy and has been featured on “RA pick”, will appear in Japan for the first time, as well as local DJs Zoe from “Denki Bosatsu” and “CCCOLLECTIVE”. A party with a total of 7 groups including the first B2B set by Arow, the host of “HEADIG”, h!ko, who is known for his dramatic sets, and Teppei Nishi, who is the host of “SYNCRONIZED”. is expanded.

SYNCRONIZED is a project that aims to bring liberation and harmony to people’s minds in an increasingly complex information society, visualized daily life, and suppressed daily life. Even if we have different roots/styles/values, we create a space where our hearts and minds can harmonize through self-liberation and join hands with others under the common language of music, making club nights a special experience. do. With its tight size and capacity of only around 80 people, it will be an intense and dramatic night.

【event information】


Date and time: Friday, May 17, 2024 23:00 – 5:00
Venue: Tokyo/Shinjuku SPACE TOKYO
Price: ADV. ¥2,500 / DOOR ¥3,000
Death aka NGS
Joe cupertino

Andrewww (from Italy)
Arrow × Zoe
Teppei Nishi

Kosei Yoneda

Ticket details (ZAIKO)

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