tofubeats x Aile The Shota collaboration song released BACARDI music project latest work

The collaboration song “Thrilling Moves” by tofubeats x Aile The Shota was released today, May 9th (Thursday) as the latest work of the music project “BACARDI Sound Distillery” by the rum brand BACARDI.

This project started in May of last year, in which tofubeats and up-and-coming artists collaborate with to create collaborative songs. This time, Aile The Shota was invited to create a song that mixes tofubeats’ bass track with Aile The Shota’s singing voice and dance moves. It is a song that will make you feel positive and will encourage you to take a step forward in your own way.

Aile The Shota

Additionally, a BACARDI pop-up store will open at ZeroBase Shibuya in Tokyo from May 10th (Friday). In addition to enjoying Bacardi Highball and music, the first 500 people to attend will receive a limited edition coaster designed in collaboration with BACARDI x Aile The Shota.

On the first day of opening, a DJ event will be held by the music distillery’s blend master, tofubeats. Aile The Shota will appear as a guest, and a new song produced with tofubeats will be performed live.

【release information】

BACARDI RECORDS “Thrilling Moves feat. Aile The Shota (Blended by tofubeats)”
Release Date:2024.05.09 (Thu.)
1. Thrilling Moves feat. Aile The Shota (Blended by tofubeats)

Delivery link

【event information】

Period: May 10th (Friday) to May 19th (Sunday), 2024
Time: 16:00-22:00 (last order 21:45)
Venue: ZeroBase Shibuya, Tokyo
Price: Free admission

BACARDI brand site

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