Takao Tajima’s special band Original Love Jazz Trio and STUTS perform together at “M bit Live” to be held in July

New music live project“M bit Project”started. As the first part of the project, the collaboration performance “M bit Live” by Original Love Jazz Trio x STUTS will be held on July 2nd (Tuesday) at WWW in Shibuya, Tokyo.

Original Love Jazz Trio

“M bit Project” is a project that brings encounters with music into each person’s life, with the slogan “Live your life and increase the number of songs you like.” Just like music that continues to accompany people through the ages, we want to be a partner that supports people who work hard every day. The project theme, “Music,” is said to reflect this desire.

At “M bit Live,” we can expect a cross-generational collaboration between Original Love’s Takao Tajima’s special band, Original Love Jazz Trio, and STUTS. The first advance ticket sale (e+) will start from 12:00 on Saturday, May 25th. Also, X (ex. Twitter) is running a campaign where you can win special prizes such as tickets to “M bit Live”. Check them out as well.

【event information】

“M-bit Live #1_Original Love Jazz Trio × STUTS”
Date and time: Tuesday, July 2, 2024 OPEN 18:00 / START 19:00
Venue: Tokyo, Shibuya WWW
Price: ADV ¥5,800 (1D fee not included)
Original Love Jazz Trio (Takao Tajima, Daisuke Kawai, Hidenobu “KALTA” Otsuki)

Primary precedence (e+): May 25th (Sat) 12:00 – June 6th (Thursday) 23:59

*All standing
*Preschool children are not allowed to enter.
*Tickets required for elementary school students and above

Sponsored by: M-bit Live Executive Committee
Sponsored by: J-WAVE
Planning and production: Wise Connection

M-bit Live official site

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