Misaki Umei and Fuki Kitamura have teamed up to start a new unit, “°pbdb” (pronunciation: Kewpie Kudi). His debut work “qpqd” was released today, December 18th (Wednesday).
°pbdb is a free creative unit that aims to produce music without being bound by genre or format. The two will co-star in Kitamura’s work “amaranthus feat. Misaki Umei” and Umei’s work “hannah feat. Kitamura Fuki” in 2023. Through collaboration on each song, their musical styles resonated deeply, paving the way for them to form a unit. The two people, who have different musical backgrounds, aim for new expressions that are not bound by existing frameworks, using a laboratory-like style where they “give form to ideas the moment they are born.”
His debut work “qpqd” is a conceptual work consisting of two songs. The first track, “qp,” is a fusion of a groove-filled track reminiscent of neo-soul and playful sampling. In particular, it features a bold approach that samples the two of them playing a game. Additionally, in the second half, there is a development that hints at the upcoming “QD”, and the playfulness set up within the song shines through.
The second song, “qd,” takes a turn and develops a thrilling sound centered on drum and bass. Kitamura’s free-spirited scat and Misaki Umei’s skilled piano intertwine in an exquisite balance, creating a track that releases a unique energy.
For the mix, “qp” was handled by Kitamura, and “qd” was jointly handled by Umei and Kitamura. Kitamura is in charge of mastering, and while making use of the individuality of each song, he creates a sound design that gives a sense of unity to the entire work.
The artwork uses a unique visual that combines 3D art created by Kitamura using “Blender” based on a photo taken by Shöka, the vocalist of Umei’s other unit, haruyoi. The design visually expresses °pbdb’s musical freedom.
Furthermore, Kitamura is scheduled to hold his 2nd one-man live “vivid:AM” at Omotesando Wall & Wall in Tokyo on Saturday, January 25th.

[Release information]
°pbdb 『qpqd』
Release Date:2024.12.18 (Wed.)
Label: °pbdb
Music: Misaki Umei, Fuki Kitamura
Mix, Masterign: Fuki Kitamura
Music, Mix: Misaki Umei, Fuki Kitamura
Masterign: Fuki Kitamura
Photo: Shoka
Cover Art: Fuki Kitamura
■Misaki Umei:X (Twitter) / Instagram
■Fuki Kitamura:X (Twitter) / Instagram
[Event information]
Date and time: Saturday, January 25, 2025 OPEN 17:30 / START 18:30
Venue: Tokyo, Omotesando WALL & WALL
Price: ADV. ¥3,500 / DOOR ¥4,000 (each 1D fee is separate)
Fuki Kitamura
Advance lottery (e+):~November 13th (Wednesday) 23:59
Contact:_tter_ur contact@butterbur-music.com