Geloomy released his new single “airam” today, January 1st (Wednesday).
Geloomy is a 4-member “neo-disco band” that includes Hiyn/Miyake Weapon, who is also known as a member of luv, and Ofeen. This work, which was released at the beginning of the new year, is a completely self-produced work, with the music produced by the members and recorded at home, and the artwork by Kidney (Ba.).

[Geloomy comment]
“A floating disco that will make you feel sluggish in the morning”
“airam” is a coined word that combines “air,” which refers to the cold air that sticks to your skin, and “am,” which refers to a foggy head or a languid morning.
The song begins with a sound that reflects the hustle and bustle of the morning, and the floating guitar riff and atmospheric keyboards are impressive throughout the song.
This languid feeling is combined with the steady groove of the bass and drums, creating a song with a unique and comfortable groove that gives you the feel of Geloomy’s NeoDisco sound.
[Release information]
Geloomy “airam”
Release Date:2025.01.01 (Wed.)
Label: Geloomy
■Geloomy:X (Twitter) / Instagram