Summer Sonic, Yo-Sea, Divorce Densetsu, JUMADIBA, MFS, ako and others appear on Spotify collaboration stage

A collaboration stage with Spotify, “Spotify RADAR: Early Noise Stage” will be held at “SUMMER SONIC 2024” (Tokyo) to be held at ZOZO Marine Stadium & Makuhari Messe in Chiba on Saturday, August 17th and Sunday, August 18th. It has been decided that the event will be held.

Continuing from last year, Spotify will be featuring Yo-Sea, Divorce Densetsu, JUMADIBA, MFS, and ako on August 17th (Saturday) as next-generation artists that Spotify will be focusing on, as well as a playlist on Spotify promoting Japanese hip-hop culture. The offshoot “+81 Connect Live: after hours” will also include performances by three artists: kZm, LEX, and JJJ.

Hanatori, Omoinotake, TOMOO, Tele, jo0ji, Saba Sister, and Nomura will appear on August 18th (Sunday). It looks like it will be a special stage that embodies the program “RADAR: Early Noise” that supports up-and-coming artists in Japan.

Additionally, Tele and Saba Sister will also appear in Osaka on August 17th (Saturday), and Divorce Legend will appear on August 18th (Sunday). In addition, the stage lineup and the 6th additional artists have also been announced today.For more informationOfficial siteCheck more.

【event information】

Date: August 17th (Sat), 18th (Sun), 2024
Venue: Chiba/ZOZO Marine Stadium & Makuhari Messe/Osaka/Expo’70 Commemorative Park

SUMMER SONIC official site

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