Illurime will release a new song “Ah To The Oh” that makes you think about various “words”

It has been announced that Ilurime will release her new single “Ah To The Oh” on Friday, May 24th.

In December of last year, Jun Kamoda, also known as Ilurime, released his first rap album/mixtape in over 10 years, “Jun Kamota,” and resumed live activities under the name Ilurime. This work is said to be a song in which he raps over a track that reflects his recent activities, including (((Saraundo))), with lyrics that make him think about various “words.” The second song also includes a remix under the name Jun Kamoda. Bandcamp will also include a “Dub version (instrumental)” and a cappella as additional bonuses.

【release information】

Ilurime “Ah To The Oh”
Release Date:2024.05.16 (Thu.)
1. Ah To The Oh
Lyrics, composition, arrangement: Jun Kamota

2. Ah To The Oh (Jun Kamoda Remix)
Composition/Arrangement: Jun Kamota
Mix and Mastering, Produced by Jun Kamota

■Irurime/Jun Kamota:X (Twitter) / Instagram

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