SAI releases new song “SAI IS KING” on a Australian label and voluntarily at the same time, Beat is Cwondo

SAI released their new single, “SAI IS KING” today, Monday, March 17th.

SAI is also known for her activities as a vocalist/lyricist for Ms.Machine. He is currently working as a completely DIY solo project, and is currently on a world tour of New Zealand, Australia, Spain and the United States. The other day, he also appeared at SXSW, one of the world’s largest multi-purpose showcase festivals, held in Austin, USA.

The beat for this work is provided by Cwondo, a Fron Romance from No Buses. This song features avant-garde beats and candid lyrics. The release will be from Australian label Garden Seat and independent label NORR RECORDS. It appears that streaming on streaming sites and other sites will start on Tuesday, March 18th.

[Release Information]

Release Date: 2025.03.17 (Mon.)
Label: Garden Seat / NORR RECORDS

Distribution link

■SAI:Instagram / X

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