Budweiser will be offering free invitations to two artists each to international festivals and awards. Increase your chances of winning by producing beats.

This summer, Budweiser will be holding a limited-time campaign called the BudX World Tour, where you can experience a large-scale global music event.

Budweiser’s brand message, “Yours To Take,” expresses its desire to support the activities of young people who continue to take on challenges to seize opportunities, and the brand has carried out various campaigns to convey this message.

The BudX World Tour was organised with the aim of providing a dreamlike, one-of-a-kind experience that is characteristic of the Budweiser brand, as an opportunity to travel at a time when travel restrictions have been relaxed in Japan and many young people are thinking about traveling abroad.

This campaign will feature the world-famous music festival“Tomorrowland”,“Lollapalooza”and one of the largest music awards ceremonies in the United States.“MTV Video Music Awards 2024”One pair of people will be invited to each of these events free of charge. They will be able to experience everything from travel to accommodation, event participation, and VIP experiences free of charge (excluding local accommodation costs).

Lollapalooza (© Taylor Regulski)
MTV Video Music Awards 2024

Anyone over the age of 21 can apply. Applications have been accepted on the campaign website since today, June 6th (Thursday). In addition, if you create your own original beat, you will receive more raffle tickets, increasing your chances of winning. The sounds used to create the beat were provided by music producer Matt Cab, and were made from sounds such as opening Budweiser cans and toasting bottles, making it content that can be enjoyed while drinking Budweiser beer.

BudX World Tour campaign site

Budweiser brand site

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