Ibuki Takai performs at Billboard Live with a band

SSW Ibuki Takai, who primarily performs live on piano and singing, will be holding a solo concert with a band at Billboard Live TOKYO on Tuesday, August 20th.

Last year, Ibuki Takai celebrated her 10th anniversary and released the EP “PIANO” with her acoustic guitar. In June of the same year, she made her first appearance on Billboard Live under the name “Ibuki Takai and the Sleeping Constellations,” and in December, she released the recording of that live performance on Billboard JAPAN Records.

On this stage, Inoue Mei, Chiba Hiroki, Taikimen, Takahashi Naoki and other talented band members with unique personalities will perform a one-night-only performance. Tickets will be available for Club BBL members and corporate members from noon on Tuesday, June 11th.

【event information】

“Ibuki Takai special band set in Billboard Live TOKYO”
Date and time: Tuesday, August 20, 2024
(1st Stage) OPEN 16:30 / START 17:30
(2nd Stage) OPEN 19:30 / START 20:30

Venue: Billboard Live TOKYO
Price: Service area: ¥5,700~ / Casual area: ¥5,200 (includes one drink)
Ibuki Takai (Vo. / Pf.)
Inoue Mei (Gt.)
Hiroki Chiba (Ba.)
Taikimen (Per.)
Naoki Takahashi (Dr.)

*Food and drink charges not included
*Separate seat reservation fees may apply depending on the type of seat.

Performance details

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