NOT WONK Kato’s “FAHDAY 2024” second lineup includes 11 groups from Odorite Bakari

The second round of artists to perform at FAHDAY 2024, an exchange market of expressions to be held in Tomakomai, Hokkaido on Saturday, October 12th, has been announced.

FAHDAY 2024, which was conceived and planned by NOT WONK’s Shuhei Kato, will be co-hosted by seven Tomakomai establishments, including IZAKAYA SOU, Ouchi Coffee, CLUB ROOTS, Tachinomi King, Tomakomai ELLCUBE, Bar Old, and Bar Base. The venue will be divided into four areas across the entire Tomakomai Civic Hall, which is scheduled for demolition.

The artists announced for this event are NOT WONK and Kaneko Ayano, who have already been announced for the main hall, Area_1, and Odorotte Bakari no Kuni. In addition, in Area_2, where the ambient room will be set up, WHITELIGHT, who will be overseeing the venue’s acoustics, will be exhibiting a sound installation. And in Area_3, the outdoor area, DJ Kimishima Marie and DJ FANTA will be appearing, as well as Tomakomai’s up-and-coming Edomae sushi restaurant, Sushi Taka, and seven other stores.

A country that just dances

The second lottery is currently being held for tickets. This is your last chance to purchase “early bird tickets,” so don’t miss it. Also, the cheapest ticket, the “FAHDAY MEETING TICKET,” was once sold out, but is now on sale at the “FAHDAY” co-hosting store in Tomakomai City.

In addition, a crowdfunding campaign to commemorate the holding of “FAHDAY 2024” is also being carried out on CAMPFIRE. Many rewards are available so that even those who cannot attend the event in person on the day can still participate in “FAHDAY 2024”.

“I want to put an end to this loss and absence by creating a day where a truly fair market is held in an incredibly fun way. I want to create a time where people can feel the breath of humanity and exchange that beauty with each other.” Kato’s statement on the significance and background of “FAHDAY 2024,” which will be held not as a music festival but as an exchange market of expressions, has been published on the official website and crowdfunding page. Please check it out.

【event information】

“FAHDAY 2024”
Date: Saturday, October 12, 2024
Venue: Hokkaido / Tomakomai Civic Hall All areas (Area_1 / Area_2 / Area_3 / Area_4)
Area_1 – OPEN 12:00 / START 13:00
Area_2, 3, 4 – OPEN / START 11:00

FAHDAY MEETING (Kato Shuhei / IZAKAYA-SOU / Ouchi Coffee / Bigfish Co., Ltd. / CLUB ROOTS / Standing Drinking King / Tomakomai ELLCUBE / Bar Old / Bar Base)

Produced by: FAHDAY MEETING / WESS Co., Ltd. / many others
Sponsor: Ticket Pia
Sponsor: Tomakomai City / FM NORTH WAVE

FAHDAY Official Site

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