FRANKIE PARIS & LEF!!!CREW!!! release floor-killing collaboration song “Dance Wiz Wolves”

The collaborative single “Dance Wiz Wolves” by FRANKIE PARIS and LEF!!!CREW!!! was released today, Friday, June 14th.

FRANKIE PARIS, who is active in the reggae and lovers rock scene, and LEF!!!CREW!!!, a player/producer based in Okinawa who is completely on-site. This is the fourth collaboration between the two groups, and it is a dance track that pays homage to 90’s Chicago house, with a unique approach that combines the disco punk of early 00’s NY, and the worldview of the two with their raga vocals and edgy sense explodes into a floor-killing tune. The artwork was done by WAVDSGN., the main designer of the label TROPICALWAV.



【release information】

FRANKIE PARIS, LEF!!!CREW!!! 『Dance Wiz Wolves』
Release Date: 2024.06.14 (Fri.)
1. Dance Wiz Wolves

Streaming link

■FRANKIE PARIS:X (Twitter) / Instagram

■LEF!!!CREW!!!:X (Twitter) / Instagram

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