The fourth installment of “XX” (pronounced: double X), a two-man live show series featuring hip-hop artists organized by WWW in Shibuya, Tokyo, will be held on Friday, August 2nd.
This project has previously brought together rare pairings such as LANA & Watson, JJJ & JUMADIBA, and OMSB & MonyHorse. This time, it will be a two-man performance by Campanella and ISSUGI, two talented musicians who have earned solid support in the scene for their high level of skill and musical curiosity.
Tickets will go on sale from 10:00 on Saturday, June 22nd.

【event information】
Date and time: Friday, August 2, 2024 OPEN 19:00 / START 20:00
Venue: WWW X, Shibuya, Tokyo
Price: ADV. ¥3,800 / DOOR ¥4,300 (1 drink fee for each separately)
General release: June 22 (Sat) 10:00~ e+
/ Lawson (L Code: 74556)