R&B/hip-hop crew 91wine releases new lo-fi R&B song “Loyalty”

R&B/hip-hop crew 91wine released their new single “Loyalty” today, Saturday, June 22nd.

91wine was formed by members with roots in Japan and Korea. Currently based in Osaka, Awajishima, and Tokyo, each member is active in music, and is also involved in a wide range of activities such as running a cafe and being a photographer. This is the third single this year, and is based on rapper ¥ellow’s real-life experience of heartbreak. The melodic rap by ¥ellow and the catchy hook by vocalist KAI make this a lo-fi R&B song that catches your ears. As the title “Loyalty” suggests, the lyrics are written entirely in English and are themed on loyalty and trust between men and women in love.

【release information】

91wine “Loyalty”
Release Date:2024.06.22 (Sat.)
Label: 91wine
1. Loyalty

Lyric: Kai Akashi, ¥ellow
Prod: Stoic Beats

Mix & Mastering: RR Studio
Artwork Design: Kai Akashi

Streaming link

■91wine:X (Twitter) / Instagram

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