Sunny Day Service will release “Kagyouzuki Green” CM song “Pure Green”

It has been announced that Sunny Day Service will release their new single “Pure Green” on Wednesday, May 1st.

Sunny Day Service just released their live album “Live!” last week. This work, which will be the first single of 2024, is the web commercial song for Suntory’s “Kagyouzuki Green”, which is currently being released. The result is a pop rock’n’roll number that sparkles with freshness, like the freshness of fresh greenery.

Actor Kurumi Nakata and three members of Sunny Day Service also appear in the currently released commercial. Please check it out.

【release information】

Sunny Day Service “Pure Green”

Release Date:2024.05.01 (Wed.)
1.Pure Green

Delivery link

■Sunny day service:X (Twitter) / Instagram

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