ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION will hold Yokohama BUNTAI 2DAYS performance in August


It has been decided that ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION will hold their anniversary performance at Yokohama BUNTAI for two days on Saturday, August 24th and Sunday, August 25th.

The anniversary performance will be held to commemorate not only the 20th anniversary of their major debut, but also the 25th anniversary of Kiyoshi Ijichi (Dr.) officially joining the group. The performance, titled , will be held as a best set live show that fans want to hear to express their gratitude to the fans who have supported ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION’s music activities for a long time.

On the special website that was released, people are now accepting votes for requests for songs they would like to see played on the day of the concert. Performance details will be announced on the special website in the future. Official advance reservations for tickets will be accepted from 15:00 on Tuesday, April 23rd.

■”[Anniversary Special Live “Fan Thanksgiving 2024”]”

Saturday, August 24th Yokohama BUNTAI
open16:00 / start17:00
Sunday, August 25th Yokohama BUNTAI
open15:00 / start16:00
All seats reserved / 2nd floor reserved seats
・General ¥9,500 (tax included)
・U-23 support ¥6,000 (tax included)
*Ticket required for ages 3 and over
[Official advance reception]
Reception period: 4/23 (Tue) 15:00 to 5/6 (Monday holiday) 23:59

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