King & Prince reveal the contents of their smartphones! Appearing on the special program “I want to peek into other people’s smartphones” for three consecutive nights

■King & Prince’s Takahashi Kaito shares some super-heated LINE chat with popular comedians, while Nagase Ren reveals his collection of behind-the-scenes shots of popular comedians!

King & Prince’s Nagase Ren and Takahashi Kaito (the official spelling of “Taka” is with a はしごだか) will appear in “I Want to Peek into Other People’s Smartphones,” the first collaboration special between Nippon Television, Chukyo Television, and Yomiuri Television.

The number one thing that Japanese people would be most troubled to lose is, by far, their smartphone. And the number one thing that Japanese people want to peek into is other people’s smartphones. Nowadays, smartphones are filled with a lot of people’s “life,” including personal information, assets, and memories.

This program is a “smartphone peeking variety show” in which people on the street are asked to show us their smartphones and we get to learn about their lives. The show has ventured out from Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya, and has looked inside smartphones all over Japan, from Oma in Aomori in the north to Hateruma Island in Okinawa in the south.

Audrey will be the MC for the show, and King & Prince will be guest starring for three consecutive nights.

First, on the first night, which will be hosted by Nippon Television, King & Prince’s Nagase Ren and Takahashi Kaito will reveal the LINE messages and photos they use on their personal smartphones.

Takahashi will reveal his hot LINE exchanges with a popular comedian, while Nagase will reveal his secret behind-the-scenes collection of popular people. Furthermore, Takahashi will reveal his karaoke “my rules” that he has written down on his smartphone. The contents of these will also be of interest.

Program Information

Nippon Television Network “I want to peek into other people’s smartphones”
Night 1: 07/02 (Tue) 23:59-24:54

MC: Audrey
Guest: King & Prince
Moderator: Asami Mizuto (Nippon Television Announcer)


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