A special site “TM NETWORK 40+” has been completed that looks back on TM NETWORK’s 40 years of activities.

■Adult music magazine “otonano” that can be read on the web will be distributed for 7 consecutive weeks as the first separate issue!

The “TM NETWORK 40th Anniversary Issue”, the first special issue of the new style music web magazine “otonano”, has been published as a commemorative site “TM NETWORK 40+” after 7 consecutive weeks of distribution.

TM NETWORK 40+ is a commemorative site that commemorates the 40th anniversary of TM NETWORK’s debut and looks back on their activities. The trajectory of TM NETWORK is re-examined from a documentary text that unravels the history of their activities, a discography of all their works, a chronology of their activities, the latest interviews with key people who support their activities, and archived interviews from the members themselves. Data and articles for each activity period will be published for 7 consecutive weeks in a total of 7 parts. The full article was finally published on May 3rd.

[Document]which topped the list every time, is a main article with a total of approximately 50,000 characters, which is a documentary commentary that summarizes the 40-year history of TM NETWORK’s activities, along with their works, live performances, and important topics from the same era.[Discography]is a highly informative content that covers previously released singles, albums, and video works. You can also enjoy it while linking to the album work of the web magazine otonano “TM NETWORK Special Issue” published in September 2023.[Chronology]has created a chronology that is useful not only for old fans = FANKS, but also as a guide for new fans.

[Interview]is the latest interview featuring testimonies from key people who are essential to TM NETWORK’s activities. Yoji Kosaka (former executive producer of TM NETWORK), Sanpei Yamaguchi (former director of TM NETWORK), Kenichiro Ishizaka (representative director of M Torres), Go Wakabayashi (producer of the latest “City Hunter the Movie”), Mitsuko Komuro (singer-songwriter/ Keyboardist), Katsuhiko Hagiwara (stage producer), and Masaki Tateoka (M Torres CEO) (in order of publication) tell us about the group’s untold stories.

[Archives]has been well-received as it reprints the members’ valuable interview articles and allows you to enjoy them in their original layout.

■Web magazine otonano Annex
TM NETWORK 40th Anniversary Special Issue “TM NETWORK 40+”
[Part 1]Pre-debut history ~ 1984
[Part 2]1985-1987
[Part 3]1988-1989
[Part 4]1990-1994
[Part 5]1999-2008
[Part 7]2021-2024



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